asked Her Majesty's Government:
How many police officers by constabulary area in England and Wales retired on grounds of ill health in each of the past five years for which figures are available.[HL7902]
The available data are contained in the attached table.
Police Force 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Avon & Somerset 42 42 34 10 16 Bedfordshire 18 8 7 1 3 Cambridgeshire 11 10 8 4 1 Cheshire 22 22 25 15 11 City of London 9 8 4 8 4 Cleveland 9 21 11 11 11 Cumbria 24 7 7 4 3 Derbyshire 12 9 12 2 9 Devon & Cornwall 15 19 9 6 9 Dorset 12 10 3 9 4 Durham 8 15 11 6 7 Dyfed-Powys 14 13 11 7 9 Essex 34 32 21 16 13 Gloucestershire 7 10 13 5 2 Greater Manchester 110 57 33 10 14 Gwent 16 24 22 8 13 Hampshire 17 19 11 11 8 Hertfordshire 13 8 7 3 1 Humberside 20 11 10 2 10 Kent 29 38 21 9 6 Lancashire 30 39 22 13 11 Leicestershire 28 7 9 6 8 Lincolnshire 4 3 10 3 7 Merseyside 47 58 51 25 25 Metropolitan Police 225 219 150 60 64 Norfolk 10 16 13 6 10 Northamptonshire 8 6 3 3 3 Northumbria 28 33 21 9 4 North Wales 31 20 14 6 7 North Yorkshire 37 16 9 8 8 Nottinghamshire 16 14 16 12 15 South Wales 76 50 33 14 8 South Yorkshire 30 30 17 12 3 Staffordshire 9 24 22 14 13 Suffolk 14 13 12 8 3 Surrey 18 24 12 10 6 Sussex 16 16 9 4 12 Thames Valley 20 17 29 17 8 Warwickshire 15 7 8 4 3 West Mercia 28 28 20 11 10 West Midlands 29 30 21 13 12 West Yorkshire 44 61 23 11 5 Wiltshire 5 3 15 2 6 Total 1,209 1,114 819 418 405 1 Data collated on behalf of and published by HMIC. Data for 2005-06 have been collated but not yet been validated. Figures will be available in the HMIC annual report 2005-06 due for publication by March 2007. 2 This table contains full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Because of rounding, there may be an apparent discrepancy between totals and the sums of the constituent items. 3 Financial year runs 1 April to 31 March inclusive.
Year 2001-02 2002-034 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Retirements 54 55 52 73 96 1 Retirements include all medical retirements and ordinary retirements. 2 Full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. 3 Financial year runs 1 April to 31 March inclusive. 4 In 2002-03 leaving figures were not available for quarter 1 (April to June 2002 inclusive).
Year 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-064 Medical Retirements 9 12 2 9 n/a 1 Data collated on behalf of and published by HMIC. 2 Full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. 3 Financial year runs 1 April to 31 March inclusive. 4 Data not available. Data for 2005-06 have been collated but not yet been validated. Figures will available in the HMIC annual report 2005-06 due for publication by March 2007.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
How many police officers facing disciplinary charges by constabulary area in England and Wales retired on grounds of ill health before disciplinary hearings were completed in each of the past five years for which figures are available.[HL7903]
The statistics for police officers facing disciplinary charges who retired on grounds of ill health before disciplinary hearings are not held centrally.