asked Her Majesty's Government:
What percentage of the United Kingdom population by (a) age, and (b) gender are in receipt of incapacity benefit.[HL8123]
The information is in the table:
All Percentage of population Female Percentage of female population Male Percentage of male population All 2,747,490 5.8% 1,158,500 4.8% 1,588,990 6.9% Unknown age 70 - 20 - 40 - 16-17 8,550 0.6% 4,150 0.6% 4,400 0.6% 18-24 160,400 3.0% 74,130 2.8% 86,270 3.2% 25-34 352,360 4.6% 147,530 3.8% 204,840 5.4% 35-44 591,690 6.6% 263,740 5.8% 327,950 7.4% 45-49 346,700 8.8% 168,660 8.5% 178,030 9.2% 50-54 393,000 11.0% 196,770 10.9% 196,220 11.1% 55-59 540,840 14.2% 268,400 13.9% 272,440 14.5% 60-64 324,710 10.7% 12,720 0.8% 311,980 21.1% 65 and over 29,190 0.3% 22,380 0.4% 6,810 0.2%
Notes:1. “-” denotes nil or negligible.2. Figures are rounded to the nearest 10. Totals may not sum due to rounding. 3. Percentages given are those for each age-group. 4. Percentages rounded to one decimal place.Sources:Information Directorate 100 per cent WPLS; ONS population estimates.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
What percentage and number of those on incapacity benefit are in receipt of: (a) lower rate disability living allowance; (b) middle rate disability living allowance; and (c) higher rate disability living allowance; and [HL8124]
What percentage and number of those on incapacity benefit are: (a) not in receipt of disability living allowance; (b) in receipt of lower rate disability living allowance; (c) in receipt of middle rate disability living allowance; (d) in receipt of higher rate disability living allowance; and (e) estimated to receive care of between 20 and 35 hours per week.[HL8125]
The informationis in the table; no estimates are availablefor the number of incapacity benefit anddisability living allowance claimants who receivecare.
Number Proportion of IB/SDA recipients Not in receipt of disability living allowance (DLA). 1,470,910 53.5% Receiving DLA higher rate care component. 274,630 10.0% Receiving DLA middle rate care component. 407,560 14.8% Receiving DLA lower rate care component. 365,380 13.3% Receiving DLA with no care component. 229,000 8.3% 1. Figures are rounded to the nearest 10. Totals may not sum due to rounding. 2. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place. 3. DLA cases are only those where an amount is in payment, and do not include cases where payment has been suspended. Source: DWP Information Directorate 100 per cent. WPLS.