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Commission for Equality and Human Rights

Volume 686: debated on Wednesday 8 November 2006

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the circumstances which led to the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) being allowed to wait until 2009 before becoming a part of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights have changed; if so, when they expect the CRE to join; and what are the reasons for any changed circumstances.[HL8119]

Following the appointment of Trevor Phillips as chair of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR), the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government sought his advice and that of the CRE on the principle and practicalities of the CRE joining the CEHR in October 2007 at the same time as the Equal Opportunities and Disability Rights Commissions. In response to that request, he has informed her thathe and the CRE support this proposal. It is the unanimous view of the CRE commissioners that the needs of race equality work and the status of race and community relations would be best served by a simultaneous transition process for all three existing commissions. The Secretary of State has accepted this advice.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What changes have occurred since the appointment of the chair of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) in the arrangements for the transition of existing commissions into the CEHR; and whether the CEHR will be operational by October 2007.[HL8120]

Since the appointment of Trevor Phillips as the chair of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) there have been no changes in the arrangements for the transition of the existing commissions into the CEHR, apart from the date of incorporation of the CRE which is now October 2007. The detailed plans for transition will be dependent on the commissioners’ decisions on the structure of the CEHR.

The plan remains for CEHR to be operational by October 2007.