asked Her Majesty's Government:
How many people in each police authority area were convicted of alcohol and drug offences in 1980; 1985; 1990; 1995; 2000; and 2005; and what are these figures as a percentage of the population in each police authority area.[HL7900]
Available information on drug convictions relate to persons found guilty at court and are given in the first tables. Population data for 1980 and 1985 are not available centrally.
Data on convictions for alcohol offences broken down by police force area are available from 1985 onwards. The available information is given in the second tables.
Data for 2004 has been provided instead of 2005; 2005 data will be available in late November.
1985 1990 1995 Force Defendants found guilty Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Avon and Somerset 899 490 1,413,740 0.03% 232 1,463,384 0.02% Bedfordshire 421 160 531,168 0.03% 111 545,660 0.02% Cambridgeshire 396 43 655,047 0.01% 94 693,871 0.01% Cheshire 679 590 958,562 0.06% 451 978,089 0.05% Cleveland 993 689 552,836 0.12% 299 559,160 0.05% Cumbria 755 671 491,627 0.14% 436 490,279 0.09% Derbyshire 733 234 929,401 0.03% 171 957,856 0.02% Devon and Cornwall 1,011 725 1,493,970 0.05% 566 1,541,467 0.04% Dorset 313 367 656,827 0.06% 226 678,668 0.03% Durham 799 381 596,928 0.06% 209 607,670 0.03% Essex 495 202 1,464,129 0.01% 167 1,505,725 0.01% Gloucestershire 239 77 529,494 0.01% 113 552,731 0.02% Greater Manchester 3,855 2,776 2,582,384 0.11% 1,351 2,578,300 0.05% Hampshire 2,036 981 1,676,412 0.06% 927 1,741,785 0.05% Hertfordshire 591 256 840,560 0.03% 137 858,496 0.02% Humberside 682 319 856,250 0.04% 150 889,191 0.02% Kent 737 406 1,523,673 0.03% 428 1,551,261 0.03% Lancashire 2,491 1,446 1,390,794 0.10% 924 1,426,037 0.06% Leicestershire 117 53 891,926 0.01% 33 923,001 0.00% Lincolnshire 314 167 586,855 0.03% 25 611,846 0.00% Merseyside 3,917 3,696 1,447,983 0.26% 1,667 1,427,195 0.12% Greater London(5) 4,150 6,318 7,227,344 0.09% 1208 7,495,527 0.02% Norfolk 218 95 748,501 0.01% 175 772,365 0.02% North Yorkshire 240 61 576,059 0.01% 281 599,284 0.05% Northamptonshire 3,874 3,485 1,431,721 0.24% 36 1,438,311 0.00% Northumbria 250 418 722,305 0.06% 1,580 730,636 0.22% Nottinghamshire 637 511 1,014,822 0.05% 346 1,031,939 0.03% South Yorkshire 2,932 2,600 1,295,191 0.20% 874 1,303,857 0.07% Staffordshire(4) 719 865 1,038,990 0.08% 339 1,056,448 0.03% Suffolk 283 169 641,029 0.03% 191 656,809 0.03% Surrey 218 144 743,803 0.02% 101 775,226 0.01% Sussex 925 457 1,416,690 0.03% 560 1,462,346 0.04% Thames Valley 1,516 1,161 1,960,401 0.06% 887 2,047,463 0.04% Warwickshire 336 68 483,060 0.01% 119 498,662 0.02% West Mercia 762 561 1,078,501 0.05% 409 1,114,158 0.04% West Midlands 3,953 1,882 2,615,409 0.07% 584 2,637,154 0.02% West Yorkshire 3,580 2,467 2,066,609 0.12% 1,080 2,105,772 0.05% Wiltshire 256 275 558,395 0.05% 258 590,610 0.04% Dyfed-Powys 622 342 469,378 0.07% 196 473,988 0.04% Gwent 1,429 987 446,843 0.22% 685 452,564 0.15% North Wales 512 754 651,846 0.12% 724 658,668 0.11% South Wales 2,103 1,651 1,305,014 0.13% 1,154 1,331,562 0.09% England and Wales 51,988 40,000 50,562,477 0.08% 20,504 51,815,021 0.04%
Force Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Avon and Somerset 394 1,511,778 0.03% 433 1,519,119 0.03% Bedfordshire 218 565,748 0.04% 135 576,218 0.02% Cambridgeshire 186 730,183 0.03% 205 737,890 0.03% Cheshire 561 984,311 0.06% 485 992,642 0.05% Cleveland 531 556,693 0.10% 499 553,311 0.09% Cumbria 472 491,040 0.10% 450 494,782 0.09% Derbyshire 309 977,779 0.03% 358 979,226 0.04% Devon and Cornwall 856 1,586,655 0.05% 541 1,619,062 0.03% Dorset 380 698,330 0.05% 158 700,419 0.02% Durham 463 606,683 0.08% 359 595,388 0.06% Essex 600 1,628,962 0.04% 213 1,635,605 0.01% Gloucestershire 187 564,841 0.03% 144 572,791 0.03% Greater Manchester 1,082 2,585,750 0.04% 606 2,539,043 0.02% Hampshire 1,253 1,785,986 0.07% 620 1,801,442 0.03% Hertfordshire 380 1,050,828 0.04% 345 1,041,319 0.03% Humberside 215 880,985 0.02% 134 887,521 0.02% Kent 917 1,598,032 0.06% 1,078 1,610,310 0.07% Lancashire 1,937 1,429,450 0.14% 736 1,434,871 0.05% Leicestershire 31 938,693 0.00% 24 945,480 0.00% Lincolnshire 416 634,348 0.07% 418 673,531 0.06% Merseyside 1,609 1,403,381 0.11% 1,184 1,365,832 0.09% Greater London(5) 1294 7,375,065 0.02% 1390 7,429,222 0.02% Norfolk 200 803,970 0.02% 136 816,525 0.02% North Yorkshire 535 625,895 0.09% 244 764,866 0.03% Northamptonshire 33 1,413,970 0.00% 28 646,731 0.00% Northumbria 3,473 753,946 0.46% 3,741 1,396,374 0.27% Nottinghamshire 396 1,031,210 0.04% 227 1,034,739 0.02% South Yorkshire 1,001 1,301,532 0.08% 878 1,278,434 0.07% Staffordshire(4) 306 1,059,711 0.03% 234 1,050,609 0.02% Suffolk 276 679,915 0.04% 381 683,736 0.06% Surrey 423 1,080,647 0.04% 355 1,067,186 0.03% Sussex 494 1,522,401 0.03% 469 1,510,445 0.03% Thames Valley 934 2,127,782 0.04% 737 2,120,859 0.03% Warwickshire 198 509,959 0.04% 135 525,481 0.03% West Mercia 428 1,146,670 0.04% 389 1,178,763 0.03% West Midlands 407 2,619,021 0.02% 600 2,579,153 0.02% West Yorkshire 1,267 2,121,452 0.06% 594 2,108,028 0.03% Wiltshire 320 613,487 0.05% 329 626,809 0.05% Dyfed-Powys 264 482,827 0.05% 287 503,663 0.06% Gwent 343 557,368 0.06% 248 556,641 0.04% North Wales 699 660,263 0.11% 400 674,498 0.06% South Wales 1,256 1,245,737 0.10% 1,052 1,217,660 0.09% England and Wales 27,544 52,943,284 0.10% 21,979 53,046,224 0.04% (1) Includes offences of drunkenness, drunkenness with aggravation and offences related to alcohol licensing etc (2) These data are provided on the principal offence basis. (3) Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by the police forces and courts. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. (4) Staffordshire Police Force were only able to supply a sample of data for magistrates' courts proceedings covering one full week in each quarter for 2000. Estimates based on this sample are included in the figures, as they are considered sufficiently robust at this high level of analysis. (5) Includes city of London and Metropolitan Police Source: RDS—Office for Criminal Justice Reform
1980 1985 1990 1995 Force Defendants found guilty Defendants found guilty Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Avon and Somerset 383 358 164 1,413,740 0.01% 890 1,463,384 0.06% Bedfordshire 76 110 137 531,168 0.03% 370 545,660 0.07% Cambridgeshire 293 151 234 655,047 0.04% 336 693,871 0.05% Cheshire 170 223 324 958,562 0.03% 997 978,089 0.10% Cleveland 115 98 93 552,836 0.02% 249 559,160 0.04% Cumbria 174 335 326 491,627 0.07% 559 490,279 0.11% Derbyshire 101 167 219 929,401 0.02% 571 957,856 0.06% Devon and Cornwall 414 696 689 1,493,970 0.05% 1,003 1,541,467 0.07% Dorset 151 197 165 656,827 0.03% 480 678,668 0.07% Durham 59 62 61 596,928 0.01% 395 607,670 0.07% Essex 240 344 400 1,464,129 0.03% 786 1,505,725 0.05% Gloucestershire 199 194 154 529,494 0.03% 342 552,731 0.06% Greater Manchester 519 1,019 1,356 2,582,384 0.05% 2,375 2,578,300 0.09% Hampshire 317 315 214 1,676,412 0.01% 1,232 1,741,785 0.07% Hertfordshire 193 313 336 840,560 0.04% 532 858,496 0.06% Humberside 145 260 264 856,250 0.03% 595 889,191 0.07% Kent 234 308 96 1,523,673 0.01% 828 1,551,261 0.05% Lancashire 357 425 585 1,390,794 0.04% 1,199 1,426,037 0.08% Leicestershire 249 211 192 891,926 0.02% 393 923,001 0.04% Lincolnshire 72 51 186 586,855 0.03% 406 611,846 0.07% Merseyside 267 1,059 1,399 1,447,983 0.10% 1,753 1,427,195 0.12% City of London & Met Police 5,587 6,678 6,329 7,227,344 0.09% 7,784 7,490,326 0.10% Norfolk 260 176 391 748,501 0.05% 597 772,365 0.08% Northamptonshire 115 77 105 576,059 0.02% 267 599,284 0.04% Northumbria 120 221 289 1,431,721 0.02% 756 1,438,311 0.05% North Yorkshire 76 162 109 722,305 0.02% 484 730,636 0.07% Nottinghamshire 146 147 145 1,014,822 0.01% 749 1,031,939 0.07% South Yorkshire 145 298 351 1,295,191 0.03% 1,010 1,303,857 0.08% Staffordshire 83 220 235 1,038,990 0.02% 661 1,056,448 0.06% Suffolk 222 157 244 641,029 0.04% 410 656,809 0.06% Surrey 270 406 361 743,803 0.05% 425 775,226 0.05% Sussex 497 458 860 1,416,690 0.06% 839 1,462,346 0.06% Thames Valley 472 608 911 1,960,401 0.05% 1,357 2,047,463 0.07% Warwickshire 78 86 171 483,060 0.04% 185 498,662 0.04% West Mercia 262 156 376 1,078,501 0.03% 596 1,114,158 0.05% West Midlands 280 663 1,148 2,615,409 0.04% 1,255 2,637,154 0.05% West Yorkshire 341 395 942 2,066,609 0.05% 2,228 2,105,772 0.11% Wiltshire 120 147 102 558,395 0.02% 205 590,610 0.03% Dyfed-Powys 199 212 186 469,378 0.04% 509 473,988 0.11% Gwent 122 134 144 446,843 0.03% 284 452,564 0.06% North Wales 195 276 375 651,846 0.06% 1043 658,668 0.16% South Wales 278 597 578 1,305,014 0.04% 924 1,331,562 0.07%
Force Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Defendants found guilty Mid-year population figures Percentage of population convicted Avon and Somerset 1,040 1,511,778 0.07% 805 1,519,119 0.05% Bedfordshire 500 565,748 0.09% 226 576,218 0.04% Cambridgeshire 410 730,183 0.06% 380 737,890 0.05% Cheshire 1,053 984,311 0.11% 644 992,642 0.06% Cleveland 681 556,693 0.12% 780 553,311 0.14% Cumbria 460 491,040 0.09% 538 494,782 0.11% Derbyshire 734 977,779 0.08% 732 979,226 0.07% Devon and Cornwall 1,350 1,586,655 0.09% 1,389 1,619,062 0.09% Dorset 775 698,330 0.11% 736 700,419 0.11% Durham 564 606,683 0.09% 476 595,388 0.08% Essex 1,229 1,628,962 0.08% 945 1,635,605 0.06% Gloucestershire 513 564,841 0.09% 398 572,791 0.07% Greater Manchester 2,629 2,585,750 0.10% 2,631 2,539,043 0.10% Hampshire 1,710 1,785,986 0.10% 1,333 1,801,442 0.07% Hertfordshire 561 1,050,828 0.05% 690 1,041,319 0.07% Humberside 748 880,985 0.08% 904 887,521 0.10% Kent 1,626 1,598,032 0.10% 1,049 1,610,310 0.07% Lancashire 1,728 1,429,450 0.12% 1,331 1,434,871 0.09% Leicestershire 756 938,693 0.08% 892 945,480 0.09% Lincolnshire 382 634,348 0.06% 470 673,531 0.07% Merseyside 2,216 1,403,381 0.16% 1,939 1,365,832 0.14% City of London & Met Police 10,358 7,375,065 0.14% 9,338 7,429,222 0.13% Norfolk 690 803,970 0.09% 9,338 816,525 1.14% Northamptonshire 446 625,895 0.07% 243 764,866 0.03% Northumbria 2031 1,413,970 0.14% 1,943 646,731 0.30% North Yorkshire 527 753,946 0.07% 368 1,396,374 0.03% Nottinghamshire 1291 1,031,210 0.13% 1,245 1,034,739 0.12% South Yorkshire 1945 1,301,532 0.15% 1,260 1,278,434 0.10% Staffordshire 809 1,059,711 0.08% 857 1,050,609 0.08% Suffolk 560 679,915 0.08% 614 683,736 0.09% Surrey 677 1,080,647 0.06% 445 1,067,186 0.04% Sussex 750 1,522,401 0.05% 1,068 1,510,445 0.07% Thames Valley 1,527 2,127,782 0.07% 1,284 2,120,859 0.06% Warwickshire 293 509,959 0.06% 207 525,481 0.04% West Mercia 861 1,146,670 0.08% 677 1,178,763 0.06% West Midlands 3,523 2,619,021 0.13% 3,359 2,579,153 0.13% West Yorkshire 3,203 2,121,452 0.15% 2,200 2,108,028 0.10% Wiltshire 588 613,487 0.10% 454 626,809 0.07% Dyfed-Powys 887 482,827 0.18% 582 503,663 0.12% Gwent 895 557,368 0.16% 574 556,641 0.10% North Wales 679 660,263 0.10% 605 674,498 0.09% South Wales 1,782 1,245,737 0.14% 2,086 1217660 0.17% 1. Offenders dealt with following joint operations involving HM Customs and Revenue and the police are generally recorded against HM Customs.