At the forthcoming Energy Council in Brussels during the morning of 23 November, Lord Truscott will represent the UK.
Informal discussions at the pre-council dinner on 22 November will address the Commission's planned EU strategic energy review which is scheduled to issue early in 2007. It constitutes a stock-taking and action plan on all aspects of the EU's energy policy.
The substantive item on the main council agenda of 23 November will be a debate on promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy as part of the energy policy for Europe. The UK hopes that Ministers will agree robust council conclusions on the Commission's Energy Efficiency Action Plan, which was released on 18 October 2006.
The remaining agenda items will cover:
International relations in the field of energy: the presidency and Commission will provide information on EU/Russia, the Energy Community Treaty, the Energy Charter Treaty and on other co-operation with third countries;
Energy Star: the presidency/Commission will provide a progress report on this agreement between the EU and US, which aims to promote energy efficient office equipment by means of a labelling scheme;
Review of the Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection: Commission Services will provide information on the state of play of this review, and
Electricity blackouts of 4 November 2006: information from the Commission.