Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the National School of Government will be a separate non-ministerial department from January 2007. The national school's departmental expenditure limit (DEL) will be £1,341,000 and the administration costs limit will be £640,000. These figures reflect a transfer from the Cabinet Office estimate with no net change in expenditure.
Within the DEL change, the impact of resources and capital are as set out in the following table.
£'000 Voted Total Resource 640 640 Of which: Administration Budget* 640 640 Near-cash in RDEL 841 841 Capital** 1,271 1,271 Depreciation*** -570 -570 Total 1,341 1,341 *The total of the “Administration Budget” and the “Near cash in Resource DEL” figures may well be greater than the total resource DEL, due to definitions overlapping. **Capital DEL includes items treated as resources in estimates and accounts but which are treated as capital DEL in budgets. ***Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.