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Anti-social Behaviour Orders

Volume 687: debated on Tuesday 28 November 2006

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answers by Baroness Scotland of Asthal on 7 December 2005 (WA 100) and 27 October (WA 265), what are the reasons for the delay until next year in publishing the evaluation of anti-social behaviour orders. [HL154]

The qualitative aspect of the study highlighted a wide range of views on a number of issues, but there were few common themes underlying the findings. We are therefore conducting further analysis of the data. We aim to explore further the perceived effectiveness of ASBOs from the perspective of practitioners, perpetrators and communities affected by anti-social behaviour, and factors that contribute to the effectiveness of ASBOs. We also aim to draw out good-practice lessons from the findings. Publication is now planned for the new year.