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Young Offender Institutions: Portland

Volume 687: debated on Thursday 30 November 2006

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many hours per day young prisoners in HM Young Offender Institution, Portland spend taking exercise in the open air; and [HL292]

How much of young prisoners' time in the open air at HM Young Offender Institution, Portland is accounted for by walking between different parts of the establishment; and [HL293]

How often in the past 12 months the care and control unit (segregation unit) in HM Young Offender Institution, Portland has been used to house young prisoners who are mentally ill; and [HL294]

How often in the past 12 months the care and control unit (segregation unit) in HM Young Offender Institution, Portland has been used to house young prisoners who self-harm; and [HL295]

How many mentally disturbed young prisoners in HM Young Offender Institution, Portland have been removed on a temporary basis to an adult prison for the purpose of constant observation in the past 12 months. [HL296]

Approximately one hour is spent in the open air, per day per prisoner of which approximately half an hour is spent walking to work-related activities.

The care and control unit was used on 29 occasions over the past 12 months to house young prisoners with mental health issues, and on 25 occasions over the past 12 months to house young prisoners who have self-harmed.

Four prisoners have been removed on a temporary basis to adult prisons for the purpose of constant observations in the past 12 months.