asked Her Majesty's Government:
What expertise was demonstrated by the Youth Sport Trust to secure funding for its Start Clean drug-free sport outreach programme; and when the competitive tendering process for the award of funding was initiated. [HL357]
Start Clean was the drug-free sport education programme set up by UK Sport in 2004. This was superseded by its 100 per cent ME programme in 2005. The Youth Sport Trust has not secured funding for, nor has any involvement in, either of these programmes.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
How much the Youth Sport Trust has received each year from public funds since January 2000. [HL356]
For work related to sports colleges and the joint DfES/DCMS school sport strategy, the following amounts have been paid to the Youth Sport Trust.
Financial year DfES (£) DCMS (£) Total (£) 2000-01 938,695 - 938,695, 2001-02 1,135,624 - 1,135,624 2002-03 1,842,368 1,041,150 2,883,518 2003-04 4,841,881 1,394,000 6,235,881 2004-05 9,040,225 2,187,000 11,227,225 2005-06 15,959,487 2,534,500 18,493,987 2006-07 10,151,296 to date 1,880,189 to date 12,031,485 to date
Information on other government departments' expenditure is not held by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.