asked Her Majesty's Government:
How many residential buildings were built in Northern Ireland in each of the past five years. [HL616]
Information on the number of residential buildings built in this period is not available. The total number of houses built and the number of hostels and communal establishments built by housing associations is shown in the following table.
Year NIHE Housing Associations—New Dwellings Private Sector—New Dwellings Total New Dwellings Housing Association Hostels Housing Association— Communal Establishments 2001-02 29 1,386 12,072 13,487 11 1 2002-03 2 1,026 13,387 14,415 7 0 2003-04 0 560 13,951 14,511 6 3 2004-05 0 828 14,940 15,768 4 1 2005-06 0 782 16,628 17,410 5 7 1. This table is derived from tables in the Northern Ireland Housing Statistics 2006. 2. It is possible for residential accommodation, such as caretaker or other staff flats, to be included in buildings not primarily intended for residential use, such as schools, offices, factories etc. 3. Residential accommodation within a building may be intended for either household or communal use; for example, hotels, boarding accommodation at schools, old people's homes, hospital wards, barracks etc. 4. Accordingly, a count of the number of residential buildings does not indicate the level of accommodation available in Northern Ireland and is not monitored.