asked Her Majesty's Government:
What increase they expect in the production of renewable electricity as a result of paragraph 8 of their Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy. [HL1020]
The Written Ministerial Statement of 8 June 2006 on planning policy statement 22 (PPS22) encouraged local planning authorities to take account fully of the positive approach to renewables set out in PPS22, including in paragraph 8. In doing so, the Government made clear that all planning authorities are expected to include policies in their development plans that require a percentage of the energy in new developments to come from on-site renewables where it is viable. Appropriate technologies and their potential will, however, vary from place to place and with the type and scale of development envisaged. Actual production of renewable energy will vary according to the level of energy need arsing in the developments in question. It is, therefore, extremely hard to forecast with any accuracy the production of renewable energy to be expected from paragraph 8of PPS22.