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Roads: Londonderry

Volume 689: debated on Tuesday 6 February 2007

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What proposals they have to improve traffic flow in Londonderry. [HL1279]

The chief executive of Roads Service (Dr Malcolm McKibbin) has written to the noble Lord in response to this Question.

Letter from Dr Malcolm McKibbin to Lord Laird

You recently asked Her Majesty's Government a Parliamentary Question regarding what proposals they have to improve traffic flow in Londonderry. As this issue falls within my responsibility as chief executive of Roads Service, I have been asked to reply.

As you may be aware, the regional development strategy (RDS) for Northern Ireland contains a policy to strengthen the role of Londonderry as the regional city and hub for the north-west. The regional transportation strategy proposed two transport plans, the Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (RSTNTP) and the Sub-Regional Transport Plan (SRTP), as the mechanism for implementation of the RDS outside the Belfast Metropolitan Area with regard to all modes of transport.

The RSTNTP deals with the main strategic routes into and through Londonderry and this plan was published in March 2005. An enhanced list of schemes for inclusion in the RSTNTP was published for consultation on 31 July 2006 with a response date of 29 September 2006. The full details of the major works schemes included in the plan can be viewed on our website at or copies are also available in both the House of Commons and House of Lords Libraries. The responses are currently being considered and it is hoped that an announcement of the final proposals will be made later this year. The schemes included in the current RSTNTP and draft proposals would upgrade sections of all the major routes approaching the city.

The SRTP deals with the whole of Northern Ireland, excluding the Belfast Metropolitan Area and the routes included in RSTNTP. A section has been developed for Londonderry and includes a detailed study of all modes of transport (walking, cycling, public transport and traffic) within the city. The draft document was issued for public consultation in March 2006 with a reply date of 23 June 2006. Full details of the draft plan can be viewed on our website at or copies are also available in both Libraries. It is planned to publish the SRTP at the end of March 2007.

These two transport plans will contain the main proposals for improving traffic flows and addressing other transportation issues for the city and its environs for the period to 2015.