My honourable friend the Minister of State for Work and Pensions (James Purnell) has made the following Statement.
I am pleased to announce that there will be no increase in the general levy rates for the Pensions Regulator for 2007-08. Rates will remain at the 2005-06 level as set out in the table below.
The general levy meets the cost of the Pensions Regulator, whose objectives are to protect the benefits of members of occupational and private pension schemes; to reduce risks that lead to calls on the pension protection fund; and to promote and improve understanding of the good administration of work-based pension schemes. It also meets the cost of the Pensions Ombudsman and the Pensions Advisory Service, which provide scheme members with help, advice and information.
Number of Members Occupational Pension Levy Personal/Stakeholder Pension Levy 2 to 11 £24.00 per scheme £10.40 per scheme 12 to 99 £2.50 per member £1.00 per member 100 to 999 Max (£1.80 per member, £250) Max (£0.70 per member, £100) 1,000 to 4,999 Max (£1.40 per member, £1,800) Max (£0.60 per member, £700) 5,000 to 9,999 Max (£1.06 per member, £7,000) Max (£0.40 per member, £3,000) 10,000+ Max (£0.74 per member, £10,600) Max (£0.30 per member, £4,000)