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Parliament Square: Tents

Volume 690: debated on Wednesday 14 March 2007

asked Her Majesty's Government:

By what authority tents have been erected on the grass in Parliament Square; how many people they are intended to accommodate; what rental charge is being levied for the use of the site; what conditions have been written into any agreement; and when the consent for these tents will expire; and [HL2416]

To whom application should be made for consent to erect tents, or other methods of camping, on the grass in Parliament Square; and what categories of persons are qualified to apply. [HL2417]

Parliament Square Garden is managed by the Greater London Authority (GLA) under the GLA Act 1999. The perimeter pavements to the east and south of the square are managed by Westminster City Council.

We understand that the tents erected on the grass area of Parliament Square Garden have been erected without the permission that is required under the Trafalgar Square and Parliament Square Garden Byelaws 1999.