asked Her Majesty's Government:
Where Manchester is ranked on the Indices of Deprivation.[HL2636]
The Indices of Deprivation 2004 identify six different ways of describing deprivation at a district level. On all six measures Manchester ranks between second and fourth most deprived local authority in England (see table below). There are a total of 354 local authorities in England with the most deprived authority being ranked one and the least deprived ranked 354.
District level measures of deprivation Manchester Rank Rank of Average Score—averages scores from across the whole district taking into account both deprived and non-deprived scores 2 Rank of Average Rank—averages ranks from across the whole district taking into account both deprived and non-deprived ranks 3 Rank of Extent—aims to portray how widespread high levels of deprivation are within a district 4 Rank of Local Concentration—identifies whether the district suffers from concentrated “hot spots” of deprivation 3 Rank of Income—identifies the number of people within a district suffering income deprivation (ie reliant on means-tested benefits) 3 Rank of Employment—identifies the number of people within a district suffering employment deprivation (ie involuntary exclusion from work) 3