My right honourable friend the Minister of State (David Hanson) has today made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
The annual report of Her Majesty’s Prison Service for 2006-07 (HC 717) has today been laid before Parliament. The National Probation Service annual report has also been published today. Copies have been made available in the Libraries of both Houses, the Vote Office and the Printed Paper Office. The regional offender managers have today published their statement of performance on the NOMS website at Copies have also been made available in the Libraries of both Houses, the Vote Office and the Printed Paper Office.
The Prison Service report includes the financial accounts for 2006-07. The financial accounts for the National Probation Service will be published later in the year.
Performance against all the national offender management targets for 2006-07 is shown in the table below:
Protecting the public Annual Performance Annual Target No escapes of category A prisoners 0 0 The rate of escapes from prison and Prison Service escorts is below 0.05% of the average prison population Public prisons 0.01% 0.05% Contracted prisons 0.001% 0.05% Fewer than 1 in 20,000 escapes from prison and Prison Service escorts 1:53,847 1:20,000 90% of risk of harm assessments, full analyses and offender assessment system (OASys) sentence plans, including risk management plans, completed within five working days of the commencement of order or release into the community 94% 90% 90% of risk of harm screenings/full analyses (as appropriate) and OASys sentence plans completed on prolific and other priority offenders (PPOs) within five working days of the commencement of the order or release into the community. 95% 90% Supporting the courts 90% of PSRs completed within required timelines 80% 90% At least 85% of prisoners from prison or police cells are delivered to court before the agreed time 86% 85% Firm and fair punishment To initiate breach proceedings in accordance with national standards within 10 days in 90% of cases 92% 90% 85% of arranged appointments attended by the offender in the first 26 weeks of the order or licence 83% 85% Ensure that the rate of self-inflicted deaths does not exceed 112.8 per 100,000 prison population Public prisons 96.3 per 100,000 112.8 per 100,000 Contracted prisons 40.6 per 100,000 Reduce the number of serious assaults compared to the 05-06 outturn (this is an annualised rate) Public prisons 1.66% 1.53% Contracted prisons 3.6% 3.3% To limit overcrowding so that the number of prisoners held in accommodation units intended for fewer prisoners does not exceed: Public prisons 24.1% 24.0% Contracted prisons 32.8% 34.5% Helping to cut crime Accredited programmes completed for all prisons and probation (including SOTP and DV)* 32,760 24,630 Public prisons 7,921 6,720 Contracted prisons 601 409 Probation: accredited programmes completed 19,875 17,500 Probation: domestic violence programmes 1,825 1,200 Sex offender treatment programmes (prison and probation) 2,525 2,400 Public prisons 1,160 1,160 Contracted prisons 64 80 Probation: sex offender treatment programmes 1,301 1,200 Prisoners have accommodation to go to on release from prison Public prisons 65,733 70,000 Contracted prisons 6,098 (as above) Prisoners have employment, training or education on release Public prisons 36,501 35,870 Contracted prisons 3,853 (as above) Offenders (in the community) are placed into employment 19,926 15,000 DTTO/drug rehabilitation requirement completions 5,939 5,000 Completions of prison drug rehabilitation programmes Public prisons 7,675 6,500 Contracted prisons 674 (as above) Reduce the number of those testing positive in random mandatory drug tests as a percentage of the prison population compared with 2005-06 outturn** Public prisons 8.6% 10.3% Contracted prisons 9.6% (as above) Referrals to LSC in the community 60,418 48,000 Contracted and Wales: learning and skills awards delivered by LSC *** 7,289 6,682 Contributing to communities and society Completions of unpaid work requirements 55,514 50,000 85% of victims to be contacted within eight weeks of an offender receiving a conviction or 12 months or more for a serious sexual or violent offence 93% (Apr-Dec 06) 85% Organising and supporting delivery Staff sickness in public prisons to be lower than 11.5 working days/person 11.64 11.50 Not to exceed nine days per person per annum in the Probation Service 12.01 9.00 At least 6% of the workforce in public prisons to be from minority ethnic groups by April 2007 5.9% 6.0% 95% of race and ethnic monitoring data on staff and offenders returned on time and using the correct (census 2001) classification 98% 95% * Data relate to total programme completions (before quality reviews). ** MDT, March data will be adjusted in June (three months’ lag time). *** Data available in April 2008. This metric contributes to the Learning and Skills Council public service agreement (PSA) to increase the number of adults with the skills required for employability and progression to higher levels of training. Please note that Peterborough performance data are not included.