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National Assembly for Wales

Volume 694: debated on Wednesday 18 July 2007

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What legislative competences (a) have been transferred to the National Assembly for Wales; and (b) would be transferred to the Assembly were legislation currently before Parliament enacted in its current form, within each policy area since the Government of Wales Act 1998; and what legislative competencies within each policy area remain at Westminster. [HL4757]

Schedule 5 to the Government of Wales Act 2006 outlines the legislative competence of the National Assembly for Wales. Schedule 5 was populated in field 5 education and training and field 9 health and health services as a result of the National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Conversion of the Framework Power) Order 2007.

There are provisions in the further education Bill and the local government Bill, currently before Parliament, which will further enhance the legislative competence of the National Assembly. All other competences remain with Westminster.