asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Scotland of Asthal on 26 June (WA 140-1) regarding staff associations which receive grant in aid from the Home Office, whether the staff associations mentioned levy a contribution on members or whether they are fully financed from public funds. [HL4765]
We are aware that some of the diversity staff support associations in receipt of Home Office grant-in-aid funding receive finance through membership fees and also through other sources, including training and consultancy work, sale of merchandise, donations and social events. These associations are not fully funded through public funds.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Scotland of Asthal on 26 June (WA 140-1), whether, since the National Black Police Association offers support to minority groups whose skin pigmentation is other than black, they have considered a change of name to one which does not refer to colour so as to reflect the wider purpose of the association. [HL4766]
The Home Office is unaware of any proposal to change the name of the association at this time.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Scotland of Asthal on 26 June (WA 140-1), whether the review of the diversity support staff associations will take full account of the Government's policy to promote integration and, if necessary, recommend withdrawal of financial support to those associations which fail to do so. [HL4767]
Each of the diversity staff support associations works towards a common goal of establishing a culturally diverse police service that is representative of, and meets the needs of, the communities it serves. The terms of reference are currently being developed for the review and, in order to ensure that the review is fair to all associations concerned, it would be inappropriate to comment at this stage or pre-empt the outcome of this review.