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Armed Forces: Urgent Operational Requirements

Volume 697: debated on Friday 14 December 2007

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much has been spent on urgent operational requirements in each of the past five full financial years; how much was claimed back to the reserves by the Treasury in each year; and what are the estimated equipment support costs going forward for purchases in each of those years. [HL256]

The cost of urgent operational requirements (UORs) approved for the last five years is shown in the table below.

Financial Year

Approval cost


£500 million


£180 million


£130 million


£260 million


£790 million


£1.86 billion

UORs funded from the reserve are not subject to repayment. Support costs for UORs are funded separately by the reserve as net additional costs of military operations; we do not hold centrally support costs by individual UOR.

Occasionally, existing funded programmes in the MoD's forward equipment plan are brought forward for operational reasons, and are subject to repayment.