asked Her Majesty's Government:
What inquiries they have made into the reported expenses and abuse of public funds by members of the NHS Improvement Foundation; and [HL1269]
What assessment they have made of the value of the NHS Improvement Foundation in relation to its costs and benefits; and [HL1270]
Whether the accounts of the NHS Improvement Foundation are subject to examination by the National Audit Office; and, if so, whether they have been examined and approved. [HL1271]
Department officials have contacted the Improvement Foundation and received detailed written assurances from its chief executive that National Health Service money had not been used to fund the reported activities.
The Improvement Foundation is a not-for-profit limited company whose accounts are not subject to examination by the National Audit Office. Its accounts are audited internally by the West Yorkshire Internal Audit consortium and externally by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Based on results from its quality improvement programmes, the Improvement Foundation estimates a return on investment to the NHS of £3 savings for every £1 invested.