asked Her Majesty's Government:
Following publication of the The Aitken Report: An Investigation into Cases of Deliberate Abuse and Unlawful Killing in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, on 25 January, whether the Ministry of Defence will amend Joint Doctrine Publication 1-10 Prisoners of War, Internees and Detainees to make clear the distinction between the roles of professionally trained interrogation and tactical questioning (I&TQ) experts and other personnel who may be tangentially involved in the business of detention and I&TQ; and whether that publication will specifically proscribe the “five techniques” as an aid to interrogation. [HL1739]
Joint Doctrine Publication 1-10 (JDP 1-10) is in the process of being amended to include these specific recommendations of the Aitken report.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Following publication of The Aitken Report: An Investigation into Cases of Deliberate Abuse and Unlawful Killing in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, on 25 January, whether the Ministry of Defence will produce guidance on those occasions following disciplinary cases where the Army's Adjutant General rather than the immediate chain of command should take the decision to proceed with administrative action or further inquiry. [HL1741]
Guidance on the application of administrative action or further inquiry is contained in Army General and Administrative Instruction 67. This is being amended to include provision for the Director Personal Services (Army), on behalf of the Adjutant General, to direct the chain of command to undertake an investigation.