asked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether the Health and Safety Executive has determined whether the collapse of the container crane at Southampton docks was due to a technical failure of the crane or to incorrect operating procedures; and [HL1716]
What assessment the Health and Safety Executive has made on whether the collapse of the container crane at Southampton docks is affecting the use of other similar cranes; if so, how many; and where they are located. [HL1717]
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is overseeing an investigation by Southampton Container Terminals Limited (SCTL), together with a number of independent engineers from separate companies. This investigation has not yet determined the exact cause of the incident. In the mean time, SCTL has voluntarily removed its Morris cranes from service until they can be examined by a competent person.
As findings emerge from the investigation, HSE will work with the ports industry to promulgate any lessons learned and support the industry to put in place any proportionate measures required to prevent a recurrence.