asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Adonis on 22 February (Official Report, 22/2/08; col. WA 96), for each year from 1998 to the present, how many secondary school teachers left the profession (a) within the first five years; (b) after more than five years and less than 10 years; and (c) after more than 10 years and less than 15 years. [HL2140]
The following table provides the number of full- and part-time regular qualified teachers who left service from local authority-maintained sector secondary schools in each year from 1997-98 to 2005-06, the latest year available, broken down by the total length of service. It is not known whether these teachers were leaving service permanently.
Coverage: England Length of service3 Year Less than 5 years 5 and less than 10 years 10 and less than 15 years Over 15 years Total leaving service 1997-98 4,080 2,200 2,030 9,830 18,140 1998-99 4,810 2,440 1,940 6,870 16,060 1999-00 4,850 2,590 1,960 7,390 16,790 2000-01 5,180 2,790 1,930 8,210 18,100 2001-02 5,090 2,820 1,960 8,450 18,320 2002-03 5,500 3,300 2,160 9,750 20,710 2003-04 5,530 3,050 2,000 9,700 20,280 2004-05 (p) 4,780 2,600 1,780 9,300 18,450 2005-06 (p) 5,300 3,070 2,010 9,880 20,250 Source: Database of Teacher Records (DTR). (p) Provisional estimates.
1. 10-20 per cent of part-time teachers may not be included in these data.
2. Teacher has left local authority maintained service in England. Teachers moving to other phases of education in the English local authority maintained sector are excluded.
3. Total length of recorded service which may not all have been completed in English maintained sector service or be continuous.