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Volume 701: debated on Monday 12 May 2008

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps they will take to ensure greater numbers of green plantations in and around new construction sites; and to ensure that such plantations are funded by construction companies. [HL3385]

The Government's Strategy for England's Trees, Woods and Forests describes the broader benefits that the provision of high quality green space through green infrastructure planning can deliver. To support the delivery of the strategy a delivery plan is being produced by the Forestry Commission and Natural England. Under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, local planning authorities may enter into agreements with developers to secure contributions towards the provision of open space in accordance with policies in their local development documents. The Secretary of State's policy on the use of Section 106 is set out in Circular 5/2005 Planning Obligations. In addition, the Code for Sustainable Homes contains an ecology component which encourages developers to protect and enhance the ecology of the site. This may include planting trees or other vegetation.