asked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether they have issued guidance to local authorities on what constitutes a “sufficient number of allotments” under Section 23(1) of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908; and [HL3504]
How many local authorities provide at least 0.5 acres of allotment land per thousand residents, in line with the interpretation of “a sufficient number of allotments” in Section 23(1) of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 proposed by the Thorpe report of 1969. [HL3505]
It is up to local authorities to assess the needs of their community in line with Planning Policy Guidance Note 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport & Recreation, 2002 and ascertain what is sufficient for their local area. Setting national standards for provision cannot cater for local circumstances, such as differing demographic profiles and the extent of built development in an area. The accompanying guidance to PPG 17 advises local authorities on setting local standards.
A revised good practice guide, Growing in the Community, was published by the Local Government Association in March 2008, and includes a section on allotment provision and how to assess the need for allotments as outlined in PPG17.
Data on how many local authorities provide at least 0.5 acres of allotment land per thousand residents are not held centrally.