asked the Chairman of Committees:
On what date the freehold of 1 Millbank by the House of Lords became operative; and what use has been made of that accommodation since. [HL3359]
Following approval of an investment appraisal by the House Committee on 2 November 2004, the House of Lords completed purchase of a 999-year leasehold of the Millbank island site, comprising 1 and 2 Millbank and 5 Great College Street, on 23 March 2005. At the time of purchase, it was agreed that the tenants of 1 Millbank would remain in occupation under a new sub-lease until September 2007. In fact, the tenants vacated the premises on 4 April 2007 and limited access became available in advance of formal surrender on 28 September 2007. The early surrender of the lease held in respect of 5 Great College Street did not prove possible.
On 17 April 2007, the House Committee agreed a two-stage approach to the renovation of the Millbank island site, with refurbishment of 1 Millbank to take place in the first phase. Under the management of the project board, intensive and intrusive surveys were undertaken within 1 Millbank to inform the development of the design work. This led to the production of the final sketch plan for the first phase of the refurbishment which was agreed by the House Committee on 5 December 2007. The Administration and Works Committee agreed the detailed design plan for the refurbishment at its meeting yesterday.
asked the Chairman of Committees:
What are the planned dates for the start and completion of refurbishment works at 1 Millbank; and what costs will be incurred prior to refurbishment; and [HL3360]
On what date it is planned that Members currently occupying offices in 2 Millbank will be located elsewhere; how many will be involved; and where their new offices will be. [HL3361]
At its meeting on 22 April, the House Committee reviewed the development of the Millbank island site refurbishment project and the associated project to decant the occupants of 2 Millbank during the refurbishment. The committee agreed to align the timetable for the island site refurbishment with the availability of additional accommodation in the Palace of Westminster following the departure of the Law Lords in autumn 2009. I informed the House of this development in my Written Statement of 24 April (WS 143). It is anticipated that following refurbishment 1 Millbank will be ready for occupation in 2011.
Aligning the island site refurbishment timetable with the Law Lords' departure in this way will enable the offices vacated by the Law Lords to be available in Autumn 2009 for Members currently occupying offices in 2 Millbank for the duration of the refurbishment works. It is expected that 50 Members will be accommodated in the Law Lords offices, 13 Members will move into Palace offices vacated by staff of the House (in line with a decision taken by the Administration and Works Committee in January) and seven Members will be accommodated in existing outbuildings.
The House Committee intends to take firm decisions before the Summer Recess regarding the decant accommodation to be provided for staff currently occupying 2 Millbank.
Prior to refurbishment, costs in the region of £100,000 per annum will be incurred for the supply of gas to 1 and 2 Millbank (the gas supply to 2 Millbank is served via the 1 Millbank system) and electricity and water to 1 Millbank. Other costs may arise as part of the continuing care and maintenance of the building.
asked the Chairman of Committees:
What are the component costs in the current budget of (a) refurbishment of 1 Millbank; (b) improvements to 2 Millbank; and (c) relocation of Members and House staff from 2 Millbank, in each year of the planned programme for the whole Millbank island site. [HL3362]
The House Committee agreed the final sketch plan for the first phase of refurbishment of the Millbank island site on 5 December 2007 at a cost of £29,298,158. The cost includes VAT, consultants' fees and furnishings. The House Committee also agreed that additional works to maintain the roof of the island site and the external facade of 1 Millbank, and the internal redecoration of 2 Millbank, should be undertaken during the refurbishment works at an additional cost of £2,532,750. It is not possible to provide a breakdown of costs for the portion comprising 2 Millbank as the project costs were compiled on the basis of works to be undertaken to the site as a whole.
The current planned breakdown of project costs (including adjusted inflation on risk and construction costs) is as follows:
Expenditure per financial year (including VAT) £ Previous years 572,634 2007-08 880,772 2008-09 1,084,842 2009-10 3,342,509 2010-11 15,500,123 2011-12 10,806,682 2012-13 744,394 Total 32,931,956
Work is currently under way to cost the relocation of Members and House staff from 2 Millbank following the decision to align the refurbishment timetable with the Law Lords' departure.