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Written Answers

Volume 701: debated on Tuesday 13 May 2008

Written Answers

Tuesday 13 May 2008


asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have issued guidance to local authorities on what constitutes a “sufficient number of allotments” under Section 23(1) of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908; and [HL3504]

How many local authorities provide at least 0.5 acres of allotment land per thousand residents, in line with the interpretation of “a sufficient number of allotments” in Section 23(1) of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 proposed by the Thorpe report of 1969. [HL3505]

It is up to local authorities to assess the needs of their community in line with Planning Policy Guidance Note 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport & Recreation, 2002 and ascertain what is sufficient for their local area. Setting national standards for provision cannot cater for local circumstances, such as differing demographic profiles and the extent of built development in an area. The accompanying guidance to PPG 17 advises local authorities on setting local standards.

A revised good practice guide, Growing in the Community, was published by the Local Government Association in March 2008, and includes a section on allotment provision and how to assess the need for allotments as outlined in PPG17.

Data on how many local authorities provide at least 0.5 acres of allotment land per thousand residents are not held centrally.

Belfast Agreement: Ethnicity

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How they define “ethnicity” as used in the Belfast agreement of April 1998 in paragraph 1, point 6 of the section under “Rights, safeguards and equality of opportunity”. [HL2945]

The Belfast (Good Friday) agreement was given effect in UK domestic law primarily by the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Section 75(5) of the Northern Ireland Act defines “racial group” as having the same meaning as in the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997. According to that order, responsibility for which is now a matter for the Northern Ireland Assembly, “racial group” means a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins, and references to a person's racial group refer to any racial group into which he falls.

Crime: Libel

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are their reasons for not giving effect to the recommendation by the Law Commission in Criminal Law: Report on Criminal Libel (Cmnd 9618) of September 1985 to abolish the common law offence of criminal libel and replace it with a new offence aimed at the deliberately defamatory lie; and [HL3249]

Whether they will introduce legislation to abolish the common law offence of criminal libel. [HL3250]

Successive Governments have recognised that in its present form the law of criminal libel as it applies to defamatory matter has shortcomings. But, because it has fallen very much into disuse, they have not regarded changing it as a legislative priority.

However, we plan to seek views on the possible abolition of criminal libel in respect of defamatory material as part of a wider consultation on certain other aspects of defamation law. We hope to publish a consultation paper later in the year.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will review the common law offence of criminal libel in the light of the remarks of Lord Scott of Foscote in Ashley and Another v Chief Constable of Sussex Police that it is a general rule of the criminal law that no one is “to be punished for the consequences of an honest mistake” (opinions, 23 April, 2008). [HL3288]

Lord Scott's remarks were made in a very different context, but the general principle is a factor among others that will be considered when we consult on possible abolition of the offence of defamatory libel in due course.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will review the common law offence of criminal libel in order to ensure its compatibility with the principles of legal certainty and proportionality required by Article 10(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights to justify interference with the right to freedom of expression. [HL3289]

The offence of criminal libel is not in our view, in itself, incompatible with the right to freedom of expression. Depending on the circumstances, one or more of the exceptions in Article 10.2 of the European Convention on Human Rights may justify any interference with that right.

Disabled People: Livability Report

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What consideration they have given to the report by Livability, Freedom to Live: Transition for disabled young people; whether they will respond to the report; and whether they are considering any action as a result of it. [HL3304]

The report by Livability, Freedom to Live: Transition for disabled young people, was published on 28 April and its conclusions span the interests of a number of government departments. I have asked officials in my department to study the report and its recommendations to see what policy implications there are, and I know that other interested government departments will also be examining the report.

Elections: Voting Systems

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they propose to bring the voting system in England, Scotland and Wales into line with that in Northern Ireland. [HL3358]

The Government published the Review of Voting Systems in January 2008, which considers the experience of the new voting systems introduced in the United Kingdom since 1997. The review forms part of the ongoing debate on electoral reform, and at this point the Government are not seeking to make changes to the voting systems that are used in elections across the United Kingdom.

At a more detailed level, there are differences in the electoral arrangements between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom that have developed over time due to the special circumstances that apply to Northern Ireland. We will take account of the practice and legislative position that applies in the different parts of the United Kingdom in any further development on electoral processes and legislation.

In relation to electoral registration, we are already committed to the principle of individual registration. But this would be a far-reaching reform, and it would need to be undertaken with great care—both to make sure a new system is robust, and to ensure that it properly tackles the problem of under-registration.

Energy: Oil Prices

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Bach on 24 April (WA 314), whether the internal modelling of future oil prices carried out by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform feeds into investment projects being considered by other government departments; and [HL3381]

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Bach on 24 April (WA 314), what is the likely price of oil to be used in the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform's next update on future trends of oil, gas and coal prices. [HL3382]

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform does not publish oil price forecasts. It publishes oil, gas and coal future price assumptions for the period till 2020, which are used in the department's analytical work. In order to capture some of the uncertainty around future oil prices, three different scenarios are presented: a high, a central and a low scenario.

In January 2008, BERR published a communication on these fossil fuel prices assumptions, calling for evidence and views on them and discussing our approach for updating them. This communication can be found using the link below:

We are currently considering the evidence and views gathered during this process. A response to this call for evidence will be published shortly, which will include our new assumptions on future oil, gas and coal prices.

The BERR fossil fuel price assumptions are disseminated throughout Whitehall and, where relevant, are used in other government department's analytical work.

Energy: Smart Meters

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What data will be transmitted to an energy supplier from a smart meter; who will own the information; and what rules will govern its use by the energy supplier. [HL3351]

The Government recently published their response to the metering and billing consultation. In it, the Government set out their next steps on smart metering, including the need to undertake further impact assessment work and to take into account the initial results from the Energy Demand Research Project before confirming decisions on the way forward for smart metering as soon as possible after November 2008. As part of their further phase of work, the Government intend to investigate the rules and governance arrangements for smart metering, including the issue of data ownership and access. Amendments made to the Energy Bill would provide the Government with a power to require licence holders to introduce smart metering. These amendments include the power to make provisions in respect of the communication of, and access to, information from smart meters.

Energy: Wind Generation

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they plan to hold discussions with major United Kingdom oil companies to ensure they maintain their commitments to wind-farm projects in the United Kingdom. [HL3437]

Ministers and officials hold regular discussions with a range of companies, including oil companies, which are interested or currently investing in wind farm projects in the UK and in the UK wind industry supply chain. The Government's reforms under the Energy and Planning Reform Bills will also help to reinforce the clear and stable regulatory environment needed to maintain long-term investment in renewable energy in the UK. In addition, we will be consulting in the summer on further measures to enable the delivery of our renewable energy targets.

House of Lords: 1 and 2 Millbank

asked the Chairman of Committees:

On what date the freehold of 1 Millbank by the House of Lords became operative; and what use has been made of that accommodation since. [HL3359]

Following approval of an investment appraisal by the House Committee on 2 November 2004, the House of Lords completed purchase of a 999-year leasehold of the Millbank island site, comprising 1 and 2 Millbank and 5 Great College Street, on 23 March 2005. At the time of purchase, it was agreed that the tenants of 1 Millbank would remain in occupation under a new sub-lease until September 2007. In fact, the tenants vacated the premises on 4 April 2007 and limited access became available in advance of formal surrender on 28 September 2007. The early surrender of the lease held in respect of 5 Great College Street did not prove possible.

On 17 April 2007, the House Committee agreed a two-stage approach to the renovation of the Millbank island site, with refurbishment of 1 Millbank to take place in the first phase. Under the management of the project board, intensive and intrusive surveys were undertaken within 1 Millbank to inform the development of the design work. This led to the production of the final sketch plan for the first phase of the refurbishment which was agreed by the House Committee on 5 December 2007. The Administration and Works Committee agreed the detailed design plan for the refurbishment at its meeting yesterday.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What are the planned dates for the start and completion of refurbishment works at 1 Millbank; and what costs will be incurred prior to refurbishment; and [HL3360]

On what date it is planned that Members currently occupying offices in 2 Millbank will be located elsewhere; how many will be involved; and where their new offices will be. [HL3361]

At its meeting on 22 April, the House Committee reviewed the development of the Millbank island site refurbishment project and the associated project to decant the occupants of 2 Millbank during the refurbishment. The committee agreed to align the timetable for the island site refurbishment with the availability of additional accommodation in the Palace of Westminster following the departure of the Law Lords in autumn 2009. I informed the House of this development in my Written Statement of 24 April (WS 143). It is anticipated that following refurbishment 1 Millbank will be ready for occupation in 2011.

Aligning the island site refurbishment timetable with the Law Lords' departure in this way will enable the offices vacated by the Law Lords to be available in Autumn 2009 for Members currently occupying offices in 2 Millbank for the duration of the refurbishment works. It is expected that 50 Members will be accommodated in the Law Lords offices, 13 Members will move into Palace offices vacated by staff of the House (in line with a decision taken by the Administration and Works Committee in January) and seven Members will be accommodated in existing outbuildings.

The House Committee intends to take firm decisions before the Summer Recess regarding the decant accommodation to be provided for staff currently occupying 2 Millbank.

Prior to refurbishment, costs in the region of £100,000 per annum will be incurred for the supply of gas to 1 and 2 Millbank (the gas supply to 2 Millbank is served via the 1 Millbank system) and electricity and water to 1 Millbank. Other costs may arise as part of the continuing care and maintenance of the building.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What are the component costs in the current budget of (a) refurbishment of 1 Millbank; (b) improvements to 2 Millbank; and (c) relocation of Members and House staff from 2 Millbank, in each year of the planned programme for the whole Millbank island site. [HL3362]

The House Committee agreed the final sketch plan for the first phase of refurbishment of the Millbank island site on 5 December 2007 at a cost of £29,298,158. The cost includes VAT, consultants' fees and furnishings. The House Committee also agreed that additional works to maintain the roof of the island site and the external facade of 1 Millbank, and the internal redecoration of 2 Millbank, should be undertaken during the refurbishment works at an additional cost of £2,532,750. It is not possible to provide a breakdown of costs for the portion comprising 2 Millbank as the project costs were compiled on the basis of works to be undertaken to the site as a whole.

The current planned breakdown of project costs (including adjusted inflation on risk and construction costs) is as follows:

Expenditure per financial year (including VAT)


Previous years
















Work is currently under way to cost the relocation of Members and House staff from 2 Millbank following the decision to align the refurbishment timetable with the Law Lords' departure.

House of Lords: Division Lists

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What action he will take to ensure the Minutes of Proceedings replicate the Official Report and indent on Division lists the second line of Peers' titles, including descriptive suffixes where applicable, where a title is too long to be accommodated on one line. [HL3389]

Although the Minutes of Proceedings and the Official Report derive lists of names of those voting in Divisions from the same database, the two documents are produced independently, using different templates.

The columns used in Division lists in the Minutes of Proceedings are significantly wider than those used in the Official Report. As a result, very few Members' names run over two lines. In the lists of those voting in the four Divisions held on 30 April, for instance, only one name (that of “B. Ashton of Upholland [Lord President]”) runs onto a second line.

The templates for the Minutes of Proceedings were substantially revised in late 2006. The new format had previously been subject to detailed scrutiny before being approved by the Procedure Committee (see the Committee's 5th Report, Session 2005-06).

In light of these considerations, I have no plans at this time to propose any further changes to the format of the Minutes of Proceedings.

House of Lords: Envelopes

asked the Chairman of Committees:

Whether he has proposals to introduce pre-franked window envelopes for use by Members of the House. [HL3363]

Decisions on the rules governing the free postage scheme, and the range of stationery available, are the responsibility of the Administration and Works Committee. The committee has taken the view on economic grounds that window envelopes should not be added to the existing range of postage-paid envelopes. However, an internal review of the stationery selection is under way and I will ensure that the noble Lord's proposal is taken into account during this work.


asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 24 April (WA 315), whether the wide range of subjects discussed with Sinn Fein include the disbanding of the IRA's Army Council; and if not, why not. [HL3314]

I refer to my earlier Answer of 24 April (Official Report, col. WA 315). The Secretary of State's views in relation to paramilitary structures in Northern Ireland are well known to Sinn Fein.


asked Her Majesty's Government:

What has been the growth in manufacturing industry, by region, in each of the past 36 months for which figures are available. [HL3331]

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.

Letter from Karen Dunnell, National Statistician, to Lord Wade of Chorlton, dated May 2008.

As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question on the growth in manufacturing industry, by region, in each of the past 36 months for which figures are available. (HL3331)

Measurement of growth in manufacturing industry at a regional level is only published by ONS on an annual basis. These statistics are available from ONS' Annual Business Inquiry. The latest regional results are for 2005; 2006 figures will be published in August 2008. The attached table shows gross value added for manufacturing by nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS1) regions for 2003, 2004, 2005 and the growth rates.

The ONS measure of growth is gross value added at basic prices. [Gross value added (GVA) represents the amount that individual businesses, industries or sectors contribute to the economy. Broadly, this is measured by the income generated by the business, industry or sector less their intermediate consumption of goods and services used up in order to produce their output.]

Standard Industrial Classification (Revised 1992) Section Subsection Division Group


Government Office Region


Gross value added at basic prices (£ thousand)

Growth %



North East









North West









Yorkshire and The Humber









East Midlands









West Midlands









East of England


















South East









South West




































Great Britain









Northern Ireland









United Kingdom









asked Her Majesty's Government:

What mechanisms are used to assess the strength of manufacturing industry in each (a) region and (b) local authority area. [HL3333]

The strength of manufacturing is assessed at a national level by using both official statistics and through representative organisations such as the CBI, Chambers of Commerce and the Engineering Employers Federation (EEF). Regular survey reports produced by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing Supply, the Office for National Statistics, the EEF, the CBI and the Bank of England are also utilised.

At regional level, assessment is carried out by using informal discussions with business representative organisations such as the CBI, chambers of commerce and the EEF, as well as regular meetings with agents of the Bank of England. At local authority area level, survey data from chambers, the CBI and economic/labour market reports produced by local authorities or sub-regional partnerships are also utilised. RDAs meet regularly with businesses and officials from the local authorities.

Northern Ireland: Bill of Rights

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 24 April (WA 315–16) concerning the appointment of the chairman of the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights Forum, if no curriculum vitae was available at the time of his appointment, how was Mr Chris Sidoti appointed, and on what information; and whether they will place that information in the Library of the House. [HL3312]

I refer the noble Lord to my previous Answers of 5 February (Official Report, col. WA 171) and 19 February (Official Report, col. WA 46).

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 24 April (WA 315) concerning the appointment of the chairman of the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights Forum, how the public can assess the expertise and suitability of the appointment in the absence of knowledge of those making the appointment. [HL3354]

I refer the noble Lord to my previous Answer of 18 March 2008 (Official Report, col. WA 30), and reiterate that it is neither policy nor practice to disclose the personal details of the skills and experience of individual officials.

I have previously advised the noble Lord that the decision to appoint Mr Sidoti as chairman of the Bill of Rights Forum was based on his experience and proven ability in this field (5 February, Official Report, col. WA 171). The public can access comprehensive details of his subsequent work as chairman of the forum on the forum's website at

Northern Ireland: Murder Prosecutions

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 21 April (WA 257) concerning convictions for the murder of police officers in Northern Ireland, what is the level set which would be considered to be a disproportionate cost; how it was calculated; and by whom; and [HL3202]

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 30 April (WA 27) about convictions in Northern Ireland, what is the disproportionate cost referred to; who calculated it; and on what basis. [HL3441]

The disproportionate cost threshold (DCT) is set by the Treasury and is currently £700, as Lord McKenzie of Luton announced to the House by Written Statement on 28 November 2006.

The DCT is set at eight times the average marginal cost of answering written PQs. The marginal cost is the direct cost of civil servants' time in preparing answers for Written PQs or producing the relevant data.


asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the population of the United Kingdom in (a) 1951, (b) 1961, (c) 1981, and (d) 2001; and what they estimate the population will be in (e) 2011 and (f) 2021. [HL3443]

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.

Letter from Karen Dunnell, National Statistician, to Lord Laird, dated May 2008.

As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your Question regarding the population of the United Kingdom in (a) 1951, (b) 1961, (c) 1981, (d) 2001, (e) 2011 and (f) 2021. (HL3443)

Population figures for the years requested are available in tables 1.1 and 1.7 of the 2008 edition of Social Trends (No. 38) which can be found on the National Statistics website at =1&Rank=272.

Royal Mail

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Vadera on 3 April (WA 206), on which date Ministers last discussed the possibility of a full or partial privatisation of Royal Mail; and what were their conclusions. [HL3105]

The Government have no plans to privatise Royal Mail. Royal Mail management's proposal for an employee share scheme was considered and rejected by Ministers in 2007 on the grounds of the substantial impact on the public finances.

Shipping: Stricken Vessels

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which ports of refuge serving the Western Approaches and Channel areas are available to stricken vessels under the control of the Secretary of State's representative for maritime salvage and intervention. [HL3447]

The UK's National Contingency Plan for Marine Pollution from Shipping and Offshore Installations recognises that anywhere around the UK's coasts (including ports, harbours, anchorages, bays, inlets) could be a place of refuge. The Government would consider it unwise pre-emptively to rule anywhere in or out as a potential place of refuge. There can be no preconceived list or ranking of places of refuge in waters as complex as ours, because each incident has its own unique, transient and varied nature.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the Queen's Harbour Master may overrule a request from the Secretary of State's representative for maritime salvage and intervention to make use of a port under his control. [HL3448]

The Queen’s Harbour Master may not overrule the Secretary of State's representative for maritime salvage and intervention where there is an urgent need of a place of refuge for a vessel in order to lessen the risk of pollution or in the interests of safety. In such circumstances, the Secretary of State's representative for maritime salvage and intervention may override the authority of any harbour master.

Somalia: Pirates

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether any British owned or registered ships have been attacked by pirates based in Somalia; if so, how many; and when. [HL3481]

Acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea are reported to the International Maritime Bureau. The bureau records neither the ownership of the reporting ship nor where the pirates or armed robbers are based. Her Majesty's Government have not been made aware of any British registered ships having been boarded by pirates based in Somalia in the past three years.

Transport: Journey Times

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Bassam of Brighton on 22 April (WA 289), what values of time are applied to trips made by bus; and whether a distinction is made between work and other journeys. [HL3378]

Department for Transport (DfT) guidance is that a distinction should be made between work and other journeys when valuing time.

For non-work purposes it is recommended that a rate of £5.04 per hour for commuting and £4.46 per hour for other journeys is applied in an appraisal. When considering the time spent waiting for public transport, these values should be increased by a factor of two and a half. This reflects research suggesting people place a greater weight on these time savings.

The value of time for work purposes should reflect the average income of relevant business travellers. It is recommended that for work purposes a rate of £20.22 per hour be applied to time spent travelling on a bus as a passenger.

All values are in market prices and expressed in average 2002 prices and values. Guidance on the appraisal of transport schemes is published by the DfT at Detailed advice concerning the valuation of time savings is contained within Transport Analysis Guidance unit 3.5.6, which was last updated in February 2007.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Bassam of Brighton on 22 April (WA 289), how the value of time awarded to a car journey to a park-and-ride site on the periphery of a city and the subsequent bus journey would compare to a car journey throughout where the time taken for both journeys is the same; and whether there is a difference between work and other journeys in this respect. [HL3379]

In valuing the time costs of two journeys of equal duration—one by car all the way, and the other using park-and-ride—it is recommended that a distinction be made between trips made for work and non-work purposes.

For non-work purposes the same equity value of time is applied to in-vehicle time for both journeys. This is £5.04 per hour for commuting and £4.46 per hour for other journeys. Time spent walking (when interchanging and walking to the final destination) should be valued at double these rates. Time spent waiting for the bus should be valued at two and a half times these rates. This reflects research suggesting people place a greater weight on these time savings. As a result, a car journey will have a lower time cost than a park-and-ride journey of equal duration. Of course, any appraisal would need to consider all factors. Typically, park-and-ride would have lower monetary costs and/or faster access times; for example, through bus priority.

The value of time for journeys made for work purposes should reflect the average income of relevant business travellers. In cases of staged journeys, the value of working time for the main mode should be used, where the main mode refers to the mode for the longest journey by distance. For a park-and-ride trip, that would usually mean the car driver or car passenger values of time are more appropriate than the bus passenger value.

In the appraisal process, changes in travel time on employer's business are valued the same whatever stage of the journey is involved; that is, there is no weighting applied to take account of the reluctance of passengers to walk to/from or wait for transport services. This is because the time spent or saved is assumed to be lost or gained in productive working time—the travel activity taking up the time is therefore deemed irrelevant. A car journey for a particular group of business travellers will have the same time cost as a park-and-ride journey of equal duration.

All values are in market prices and expressed in average 2002 prices and values. Guidance on the appraisal of transport schemes is published by the Department for Transport at Detailed advice concerning the valuation of time savings is contained within Transport Analysis Guidance unit 3.5.6, which was last updated in February 2007.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Bassam of Brighton on 22 April (WA 289), how waiting times and time taken to park a car are valued and compared. [HL3380]

It is recommended that for non-work purposes (such as commuting, shopping and education journeys) the time spent waiting should be valued at two and a half times the value of time spent travelling in the vehicle (“in-vehicle time”). This reflects research suggesting that people attach a greater weight on these time savings. For work purposes, the value attached to waiting time is the same as applied to in-vehicle time.

The time spent taken to park a car is assumed to form part of the total journey time for a car based trip. There is no difference in the value of time applied to the time spent parking the car.

Guidance on the appraisal of transport schemes is published by the Department for Transport at Detailed advice concerning the valuation of time savings is contained within Transport Analysis Guidance unit 3.5.6, which was last updated in February 2007.

Young Offenders

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In the light of the findings of the Independent Monitoring Board, what changes they have made to the design and fabric of the wing in Foston Hall Young Offenders Institution. [HL3239]

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the latest time of day a female juvenile prisoner arrived from court at Foston Hall Young Offenders Institution in the past six months; and [HL3240]

What was the earliest time of day a female juvenile prisoner left Foston Hall Young Offenders Institution for a court appearance in the past six months; and [HL3241]

On how many occasions in the past six months female young prisoners have been transported with male young prisoners to and from Foston Hall Young Offenders Institution. [HL3242]

The latest that a juvenile female prisoner has entered reception at HMP Foston Hall during the past six months was 23:48 hours. This followed a court appearance at Margate magistrates' court.

The earliest that a female juvenile prisoner has left HMYOI Foston Hall for a court appearance during the past six months is 07.57 hours.

During the past six months, there was one occasion when a male juvenile prisoner was escorted with a female juvenile prisoner from court to HMYOI Foston Hall on the same vehicle. The movement of female and male juvenile prisoners on the same vehicle is permitted under the escort contracts. To ensure prisoners are segregated, cellular vehicles are used.