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Police: Northern Ireland

Volume 701: debated on Tuesday 20 May 2008

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What proposals there are to restructure the police service in County Armagh and reduce the number of police stations; whether any decisions have been taken and by whom; whether a consultation period was involved and who was consulted; and what is the timetable for such restructuring. [HL3357]

The chief constable has provided the following Answer.

The PSNI is currently carrying out a review of its estate strategy which includes County Armagh. County Armagh covers Armagh and part of Newry and Mourne PSNI Area Command Units in E district. The review will consider potential station closures.

It is anticipated that in the future there may be changes to the police estate within the district and proposals will be considered in consultation with the local district policing partnerships and elected representatives, ahead of a public consultation process. No decisions have been taken in relation to the closure of any station.