asked Her Majesty's Government:
What is the number of general practitioners per head of population in (a) England, (b) the East of England and (c) Essex. [HL4499]
The number of general practitioners per 100,000 head of population recorded in the national workforce census at 30 September 2007 was 65.7 in England and 62.6 in the East of England Strategic Health Authority (SHA). The figures for the five Essex primary care trusts (PCTs) within East of England are shown in the following table:
All Practitioners (excluding retainers and registrars) headcount All Practitioners (excluding retainers and registrars) headcount per 100,000 population England 33,364 65.7 Q3 5 East of England SHA 3,510 62.6 5PX Mid Essex PCT 207 57.2 5PW North East Essex PCT 184 58.3 5P1 South East Essex PCT 185 56.1 5PY South West Essex PCT 191 49.2 5PV West Essex PCT 171 62.2 Source: The information centre for health and social care, general and personal medical services statistics