asked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether they will place a copy of the Confederation of British Industry Code of Prompt Payers, to which the Northern Ireland Parades Commission is committed, in the Library of the House; when the commitment was made; by whom; and in what form. [HL4239]
The department, including its agencies, seeks to comply with the Better Payment Practice Code for achieving good payment performance in commercial transactions. The department last renewed its commitment, via electronic document, on 28 November 2007. A copy of the certificate has been placed in the Library.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
On what basis the Northern Ireland Parades Commission employs monitors; how they are selected; by whom; after what equality process; and what costs are involved in their employment. [HL4402]
Monitors are recruited through an open competition and adverts are placed in the local press. They are interviewed by a panel comprising two experienced monitors and a member of the commission secretariat. Monitors are selected solely on the evidence of their ability, and as volunteers they receive no pay. They do however receive travel expenses and an emolument to cover meals and expenses.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Tunnicliffe on 24 June (WA 233) concerning costs of the Northern Ireland Parades Commission, on what the £1,200 for hospitality was spent; who authorised each item; how much was spent inside Northern Ireland; and how much outside. [HL4486]
The expenditure on hospitality was in relation to:
a series of business receptions/working lunches including groups such as authorised officers and monitors, church leaders, representatives from business organisations and networking groups;
four one-to-one working meetings involving the chairman;
one individual meeting involving the secretary; and
some incidentals on commission outreach meetings.
All of the expenditure was incurred in NI with the exception of one working meeting involving the chairman in GB. The accounting officer, or a senior official acting on his behalf, approves expenditure on hospitality.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Tunnicliffe on 24 June (WA 234) concerning the Northern Ireland Parades Commission, whether they will publish the information requested in the Official Report; who took the decision to answer the Question in the way it was answered; and in what circumstances they place documents in the Library of the House rather than publish the information in the Official Report. [HL4490]
The information is already available in the public domain. Government Ministers have responsibility for answering Questions. In accordance with Schedule 1 to the Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998, the Secretary of State is required to lay a copy of the report before Parliament.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Tunnicliffe on 25 June (WA 254–5) concerning funding awards made by the Northern Ireland Parades Commission, who selected the groups who were paid; on what bases; and what percentage of applications for funding was accepted. [HL4506]
All funding applications are brought before and decided by the Northern Ireland Parades Commission. All applications are considered against the criteria set out in Application for Funding, which is publicly available on the commission's website together with Guidance Notes for Parades Commission Funding Awards. To date, 18 funding applications have been met, in full or part, representing 78 per cent of the total number received.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
What is the agreed amount payable to the commissioners of the Northern Ireland Parades Commission since 2005; what were their terms and conditions of employment; what was actually paid to each; and what amount of income tax and national insurance payments were deducted as part of their conditions of employment. [HL4681]
Information relating to the parades commissioners' remuneration, terms and conditions and individual salaries can be found in the Northern Ireland Parades Commission’s annual report and financial statements. Copies of these reports are held in the Library.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs will not disclose information to a third party concerning an individual's tax position.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 2 July (WA 43) concerning the Northern Ireland Parades Commission, whether the Northern Ireland Office inquired from the parades commissioners whether they had paid income tax and national insurance contributions. [HL4682]
No. This is a matter between the individuals and HMRC.