asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Darzi of Denham on 3 June (WA 34-35) regarding data held by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority on numbers of eggs collected per in vitro fertilisation treatment cycle since 1991, what was the total number and percentage of cycles over each successive year at which (a) 20 or more eggs, 30 or more eggs, (b) 40 or more eggs, (c) 50 or more eggs, (d) 60 or more eggs and (e) 70 or more eggs were collected per cycle at each of the licensed centres respectively where the percentage of cycles at which collection of between 20 and 85 eggs per cycle exceeded the median percentage. [HL4926]
The information requested has been placed in the Library.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answers by Lord Darzi of Denham on 5 December 2007 (WA 196) and 18 December 2007 (WA 117) regarding reporting of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), what was the total number and percentage of patients known to have been at risk of OHSS at each respective licensed centre according to records held by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority over each successive year since 1991; and what percentage of these cases were reported to the HFEA as adverse incidents. [HL4927]
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has informed the department that it assesses the overall incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in the United Kingdom and has recently commissioned Professor Adam Balen to update his 2005 report into OHSS following fertility treatment. However, the HFEA does not collect detailed clinical information about individual patients going through in vitro fertilisation treatment, such as their treating clinician’s assessment of their propensity to develop OHSS, and so does not hold the information requested.
Copies of Professor Balen's 2005 report have been placed in the Library.