asked Her Majesty's Government:
What consultations they have had with the Gibraltar Services Police Staff Association about the future of the Gibraltar Service Police. [HL4958]
HQ British Forces Gibraltar issued for consultation the terms of reference document for the Gibraltar policing and security review to the Gibraltar Services Police Staff Association (GSPSA) and other interested parties on 4 June 2007. They responded on 19 June 2007 and conduct of the review commenced on 20 June 2007. The GSPSA has been kept informed on the progress of the review. Should the review determine an option that changes the current status or structure of the Gibraltar Services Police, the normal process of consultation will take place in line with standard departmental procedures.
asked Her Majesty's Government:
(a) What consultation has been carried out with the Royal Gibraltar Police and the Gibraltar Services Police regarding the proposed amalgamation; and (b) what response they received from the Royal Gibraltar Police and the Gibraltar Services Police regarding the merits and feasibility of this amalgamation. [HL4959]
We have not reached any decision on the future of the Gibraltar Services Police (GSP). Work is continuing, and part of this process will involve discussions between HQ British Forces Gibraltar and the Government of Gibraltar on future policing options. Once these discussions have concluded, there will be a full appraisal of the options for the future of the GSP before any final decision is taken. Accordingly, there have been no consultations with the GSP on a possible transfer to the Royal Gibraltar Police. Over the past year, the GSP has actively engaged in the security review. While there has been some low-level engagement with the Royal Gibraltar Police, detailed discussions and consultation will be undertaken with the Government of Gibraltar in due course.