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Health: Commissions

Volume 703: debated on Tuesday 22 July 2008

asked Her Majesty’s Government:

How continuity between the work programmes of the Healthcare Commission and those of the Care Quality Commission will be maintained when it is established, with particular reference to ongoing special review. [HL4972]

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be an independent body, with powers to carry out special reviews of the provision of National Health Service care or adult social services. The CQC will consult on and publish its programme of reviews.

The department has been working very closely with the existing commissions and the shadow chair of the CQC to ensure plans are in place to minimise any risks arising from the organisational change involved in the creation of the new regulator and to achieve a smooth transition. It is our expectation that where the existing commissions undertake special reviews during 2008-09, those reviews will be completed and published by the end of that year so that the CQC can properly plan its own programme of future reviews.

asked Her Majesty’s Government:

How specific recommendations made by the Healthcare Commission on the performance of healthcare providers will be followed up and monitored by the Care Quality Commission when it is established, with particular reference to patient safety issues and compliance with core standards. [HL4973]

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will become responsible for the regulation of health and adult social care providers from April 2009. To ensure continuity, the CQC will, in designing the systems and methodologies necessary for carrying out its regulatory functions, build on the work of the bodies that it will replace. This will include taking into account any recommendations made by its predecessor bodies about any particular provider to ensure that patient safety is not compromised and providers continue to meet all necessary regulatory requirements. From April 2010, the new CQC will move to a common system of registration for all providers of regulated health and adult social care.

The department recently carried out a 12-week consultation on what the essential requirements of safety and quality of care should be that providers have to meet in order to maintain their registration. The responses to the consultation are currently being analysed and the Government’s response will be published in due course.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What arrangements will be made to ensure that the Healthcare Commission's investigations of complaints which are ongoing when the commission is dissolved are officially followed through and concluded. [HL4974]

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has confirmed that she will take responsibility for any complaint that has been received by the Healthcare Commission and has not been concluded prior to its abolition.