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House of Lords: IT

Volume 703: debated on Tuesday 22 July 2008

asked the Chairman of Committees:

How many computers provided by PICT to members of the House of Lords are retained (a) outside the parliamentary estate, and (b) inside the parliamentary estate. [HL4962]

Members are entitled to a desktop computer for use in their parliamentary office and to a laptop computer for use at any location. One hundred and ninety eight desktop computers and 328 laptop computers are currently on loan to Members from PICT.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What is the total cost of computers provided to Members of the House of Lords for use (a) within the parliamentary estate, and (b) outside the parliamentary estate, in each of the past four years. [HL4963]

The cost in each of the past four years of providing Members with desktop computers for use in their parliamentary offices and laptop computers for use at any location is as follows:

Financial Year

Desktop computers (including monitors)

Laptop computers













asked the Chairman of Committees:

What is the annual cost of PICT or its predecessor in the House of Lords in each of the past four years. [HL4964]

Prior to the creation of PICT on 1 January 2006, the House of Lords paid 15 per cent of the costs of the Parliamentary Communications Directorate. The House now pays 20 per cent of the costs of PICT. The annual expenditure by the House on central ICT services and equipment in each of the past four financial years is as follows:

Financial Year










asked the Chairman of Committees:

What is the cost of providing printers to Members of the House of Lords for use (a) within the Parliamentary Estate, and (b) outside the Parliamentary Estate, in each of the past four years. [HL4965]

The range of printers provided by PICT to Members includes models that can be used both within and outside the Parliamentary Estate. It is not, therefore, possible to break down cost by location. The total cost in each of the past four years of providing Members with printers is as follows:

Financial Year

Total cost of printers









asked the Chairman of Committees:

What is the cost of providing peripheral equipment for the information technology needs of Members of the House of Lords in each of the past four years. [HL4966]

Keyboards, mice and computer screens are included in the purchase price of the desktop or laptop computer where appropriate. Other peripheral items are obtained in negligible quantities and the cost is not recorded separately.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What are the terms of the Dell contract for the supply of information technology equipment to the House of Lords. [HL4967]

The contract with Dell for the supply of information technology equipment to the Houses of Parliament is subject to the Houses’ normal procurement terms and conditions. In addition, there are specific terms relating to the service, such as supply of equipment within 28 days of placement of an order and measures to ensure prices remain competitive.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What was the cost of supplying inkjet cartridges to Members of the House of Lords in each of the past four years; and [HL4989]

What was the cost of supplying laser toner cartridges to Members of the House of Lords in each of the past four years. [HL4990]

The cost of supplying printer cartridges to Members of the House of Lords in each of the past four years is as follows:

Financial Year

Total cost of printers








£ 18,971

A breakdown of costs between inkjet and laser toner cartridges is not recorded.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What is (a) the cost, (b) the name of the suppliers, and (c) the manufacturer's item number of (1) mobile phones, (2) printers, and (3) computer equipment available to Members of the House of Lords following advice from PICT. [HL4991]

Members of the House of Lords are entitled to the loan of one personal digital assistant or one Smartphone from PICT. These devices can be used as mobile phones. At present, Members can select one of three devices, which range in price from £240.00 to £405.00 excluding VAT.

The information requested regarding printers and computer equipment is as follows:


Item number








Canon PIXMA iP100




HP OfficeJet Pro L7680


Computer Equipment


OptiPlex 755SF 2GB


Computer Equipment


1708 HAS Flat Panel Monitor


Computer Equipment


Latitude D630 Laptop


Computer Equipment


Latitude D430 Laptop


asked the Chairman of Committees:

What arrangements are in place for reviewing the procurement requirements for information technology equipment available to the House of Lords and its Members. [HL4992]

The procurement of hardware equipment is either subject to competitive tender or covered by an existing government procurement framework. The prime supplier is subject to regular service and product reviews. Where existing products do not meet the needs of Members, additional products will be identified. Additional products can be sourced from alternative suppliers if required.

The supply of equipment to Members will be subject to a new procurement exercise in the next one to two years. Consultation with Members on future requirements will form part of the procurement exercise.

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What consideration has been given to extending the life of all information technology equipment made available to Members of the House of Lords under manufacturers’ or suppliers’ guarantees. [HL5055]

Support agreements of three years were formerly obtained for computer equipment, including printers. New equipment is now acquired with four years’ extended warranty. The current approach will be reviewed within the next one to two years as part of a new tender for the supply of hardware.