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Housing: Design

Volume 703: debated on Tuesday 22 July 2008

asked Her Majesty's Government:

To what public bodies South Somerset District Council may apply for help in relation to the promotion of good housing design within that area. [HL4982]

There are a range of public bodies that local authorities can apply to for help in relation to the promotion of good housing design within their area. The choice between these bodies would depend on the specific advice and support that the local authority is seeking.

The Commission for Architecture and Built Environment (CABE), which is sponsored by DCMS and supported by my department, can provide expert advice on proposed schemes and practical assistance on visioning, masterplanning and public space projects through their Design Review and Enabling Services. The Advisory Team for Large Applications (ATLAS), which is hosted by English Partnerships, offers guidance on strategic and complex planning applications around the delivery of large housing or regeneration projects, including around design. The Academy for Sustainable Communities (ASC) can advise and assist local authorities in assessing and developing the generic skill base that they need to create and maintain better places and deliver good quality housing.