asked Her Majesty's Government:
What factors have contributed to the success of the welfare team at Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre since the HM Inspector of Prisons’ report on Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre of 2006; what improvements can still be made; and how this achievement can be repeated in other detention centres. [HL5051]
The success of the welfare team at Harmondsworth can be attributed to an expansion in staff, who have been carefully selected for their personal qualities. They are supported and empowered by the senior management team at the centre to develop their role according to the needs of the detainees, and have established a good working relationship with staff of the local UK Border Agency and other organisations.
The work of the team continues to evolve in line with the changing needs of the detainee population. It seeks to improve the range of assistance that it can provide to detainees. The UK Border Agency is currently reviewing its welfare provision in its centres to identify and replicate best practice across the estate.