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Internet: Searches

Volume 703: debated on Tuesday 22 July 2008

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they are planning to instigate an information campaign to inform Google users of how their searches are tracked and used. [HL4869]

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) produces advice for individuals about their rights and guidance for organisations on how to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 when using personal information and web sites. It is in contact with Google and other similar companies providing advice on the fair and lawful use of personal information. In January 2007 it published a personal information toolkit for the general public; in June 2007 it produced guidance to data controllers about collecting personal information on the internet and in November 2007 it launched a new website to provide tips and advice on safe social networking and to help young people protect their personal information. The ICO was also involved in producing an opinion of all the European data protection authorities which set out the data protection rules for search engine operators. The Government are not planning to instigate a further information campaign.

The use of computerised personal information in the United Kingdom is regulated by the Data Protection Act 1998. The Information Commissioner administers and enforces the Act independently of the Government.

The Prime Minister asked Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, and Dr Mark Walport to conduct a consultation on the use and sharing of personal information in the public and private sectors as part of their independent Data Sharing Review. The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice published the report on the Data Sharing Review in July. The impact of technology was one of the issues covered by the review's consultation paper and is covered extensively in the final report. More generally, the Government and the Information Commissioner's Office keep legislation under review in light of ever-increasing technological changes in the field of data protection. To this end, the Information Commissioner recently commissioned an assessment of the current legislation.

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they intend to issue further guidance to Ofcom on the relationship between internet service providers, search engines and the public's awareness of what information interception, storage and monitoring may occur when they use the internet. [HL4870]

The Office for Communications (Ofcom) is the independent regulator for communication service provision in the UK. However, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has responsibility for enforcement of the Data Protection Act, and produces advice for individuals about their rights under, and guidance for organisations on how to comply with, the Data Protection Act 1998 when using personal information and websites.

Ofcom has a role in relation to media literacy, and it will be for Ofcom to decide whether it should commit additional resource to raising users' awareness of issues around personal data on the internet, including possible interception, storing and monitoring.