asked Her Majesty's Government:
Further to the Written Answer by Lord Rooker on 14 July 2008 (WA 125) concerning political donations, whether the difference in treatment between Irish citizens and British citizens living in the Republic of Ireland is compatible with the principle of parity of esteem specified in the Belfast agreement of 1998. [HL5041]
Paragraph 1(v) of the Belfast agreement sets out the principles on which the power of the sovereign Government with jurisdiction in Northern Ireland shall be exercised, including the principle of parity of esteem for the identity, ethos and aspirations of both communities in Northern Ireland.
The rules on donations to UK political parties by individuals living in Northern Ireland are entirely consistent with this principle; it is open to any individual on the electoral register in Northern Ireland (or elsewhere in the UK) to make such a donation.
British citizens living in Ireland are subject to the same rules on political donations to UK political parties as British citizens living anywhere else outside the UK.