asked Her Majesty's Government:
For each railway station in England used by more than 1,000 passengers a day, how many passengers arrive or depart by each mode of transport, including walking, cycling and driving. [HL6119]
The following tables provide this information for all stations in England, showing that just over half of weekday rail travellers are most likely to walk to the station at the beginning of their journey, and from the station on arrival at their destination. This information is not available for weekend travel.
These statistics come from the National Rail travel survey (NRTS). Similar information is not available at station level, and it could only be provided at disproportionate cost.
Survey information and a report of findings (published March 2008) is available on the Department for Transport website at
Journeys (000s) % Walked 1,292 53 Bus/coach 250 10 Car (parked at or near the station) 236 10 Car (dropped off by someone) 162 7 Motorcycle 3 0 Bicycle 38 2 Taxi/minicab 68 3 Underground/Light Rail/Metros/Trams 378 16 Other 5 0 Total 2,432 100
Source: National Rail travel survey, DfT
Journeys (000s) % Walked 1,290 53 Bus/coach 250 10 Car (parked at or near the station) 232 10 Car (met by someone) 157 6 Motorcycle 3 0 Bicycle 38 2 Taxi/minicab 70 3 Underground/Light Rail/Metros/Trams 386 16 Other 5 0 Total 2,432 100
Source: National Rail travel survey, DfT
1. Survey data gathered between 2000 and 2004-05