My right honourable friend the Minister for Housing and Planning (Margaret Beckett) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
Today I have published the Government’s formal response to the Killian Pretty review. Our response sets out our proposals to take forward an ambitious programme of measures to create a more proportionate and responsive planning application process. This will help businesses, developers, councils and the wider community, particularly in the current challenging economic environment.
The review was commissioned jointly by the Secretaries of State for Communities and Local Government and Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform to consider how the planning application process could be improved for the benefit for all involved. The final report, with detailed recommendations, was published in November 2008.
We welcome the Killian Pretty report as a strong foundation for the next stage in reforming the planning system. In response to its recommendations, we propose actions to improve the planning application process from start to finish, grouped into five main themes:
reducing the number of small scale developments that require full planning permission;
making the planning application process more efficient and effective for all involved;
improving the quality of information available to users of the planning application system;
improving local authority capacity and performance in the process, and
streamlining the national planning policy framework.
We propose a phased approach to reform, with immediate priority given to consulting on detailed proposals to extend permitted development rights for businesses and public services and to streamline information requirements for applicants.
Clearly, successful development and implementation of further improvements to the planning application process requires the active involvement of key stakeholders, including local government, the profession and private sector. So a key part of the implementation programme is to work closely with stakeholders, in a range of ways, including the formation of a stakeholder sounding board, in addition to full public consultation on draft proposals, where appropriate.
A copy of the Government’s response is available in the Libraries of both Houses and on the Communities and Local Government website at www. andbuilding/killianprettyresponse.