Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government what progress has been made by the British Rail Residual Property Board in disposing of the disused railway line between Colne and the former West Riding County Council boundary; and whether they will protect the line for reinstatement in the future. [HL1817]
To ask Her Majesty's Government what advice and assistance they have given or will offer to Lancashire County Council about purchasing the railway line between Colne and the former West Riding County Council boundary (a) to protect it for reinstatement, (b) to maintain it in the meantime, or (c) to create a multi-user recreational route. [HL1818]
To ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions they have held with (a) Lancashire County Council and (b) the sustainable transport charity, Sustrans, on the future of the disused railway line between Colne and Skipton. [HL1819]
A consultation was undertaken in 2008 by BRB (Residuary) Ltd under the guidance issued to the company by Ministers on the disposal of its surplus property. The results of that consultation identified a number of local aspirations for the site, including the possible restoration of rail services or for use as a footpath or cycleway. These are local proposals and for that reason BRBR’s Property Review Group concluded that the land should be offered to Lancashire County Council for it to decide the best use of the land.
Terms were quoted for the sale of the land to the county council on 31 July 2008 and it needs to respond quickly by engaging with BRB (Residuary) Ltd to discuss the nature of the structures on the route and terms for its acquisition, if its future use for community activities is to be secured.