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Sport: Funding

Volume 709: debated on Tuesday 24 March 2009


Asked by

To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Lord Carter of Barnes on 27 February (WA 114) on funding systems for sports and leisure projects, to what extent the Answer was informed by or took account of the conclusions of the Audit Commission report of January 2009, Tired of Hanging Around. [HL1829]

The Written Answer of 27 February provided a response based on efficiency savings that are currently being made within sport and leisure at a national level.

The Audit Commission's Tired of Hanging Around report highlighted the benefits of sport and leisure activities and their role in preventing anti-social behaviour. The report did not take into account the successes of the PE and Sport Strategy for Young People, through which the Departments for Children, Schools and Families and for Culture, Media and Sport have increased the quantity and quality of the sport offer for all young people.

The report examined projects delivered predominantly with local funding, and while my department welcomes the report's focus on the importance of positive activities for young people, it does not recognise the report's presentation of the funding system for sports and leisure projects. We believe the current system continues to provide opportunities for those suffering from social exclusion in an effective and streamlined way.