Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by the Lord President (Baroness Royall of Blaisdon) on 24 April (WA 419), whether the selection process for appointing the chair and other members of the Equality and Human Rights Commission applies to their reappointment. [HL3334]
The process for reappointing a chair and other board members of the Equality and Human Rights Commission differs from the process of making new appointments as there is no requirement to advertise a post should a decision be taken to reappoint a current member. Reappointments are governed by time and performance criteria set out by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. There is no guarantee of any reappointment being favourably considered. To be considered for reappointment members must have performed satisfactorily during their current term. The Government Equalities Office has ensured there is an appropriate performance assessment process in place to provide the necessary evidence for considering any reappointments. The Minister for Women and Equality has the final decision on reappointments based on performance assessments.