My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Kevan Jones) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
Key targets for 2009-10 have been set for the chief constable/chief executive of the Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency (MDPGA). These targets are linked to the delivery of the agency’s key outputs and providing an effective policing and guarding service.
In brief the seven key targets are:
Key Target 1a
By 31 March 2010, to have delivered at least 95 per cent of MDP agreed UK customer tasks.
Key Target 1b
By 31 March 2010, to have delivered at least 95 per cent of MGS agreed UK customer tasks.
Key Target 2a
To maintain or improve an MDP customer satisfaction rate of 88 per cent (the level achieved in 2008-09)
Key Target 2b
To maintain or improve an MGS customer satisfaction rate of 85 per cent (the level achieved in 2008-09).
Key Target 3
By 31 March 2010, to have achieved a detection rate of at least 55 per cent for crime that significantly impacts on defence capability.
Key Target 4
By 31 March 2010, to have achieved all agreed international tasks.
Key Target 5
By 31 March 2010, to have agreed with TLBs new joint business agreements in which taskings match available resources.
Key Target 6
By 31 March 2010, to have raised the diversity excellence model baseline score for the agency to 390 points (from 355 points).
Key Target 7
By 31 March 2010, to deliver specified outputs within 1 per cent of authorised outturn.