Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government how many statutory instruments the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has introduced since 18 June 2007; how many created new regulations; and how many revoked or replaced existing ones. [HL5928]
The numbers of statutory instruments made, replaced, revoked and creating new regulations by Defra were as follows:
Period Made1 Revoked and replaced Replaced without revoking2 Revoked without replacing3 Entirely new regulation4 18 June 2007-31 December 20075 108 87 1 6 20 1 January 2008-31 December 2008 88 111 13 0 11 1 January 2009-31 October 2009 72 37 2 1 8 Totals 268 235 16 7 39
1 This includes instruments prepared by Defra, but made by another body eg the Privy Council.
2 Some statutory instruments only have a year's currency eg the Hill Farm Regulations 2009 (SI No 138) and others effectively replace an earlier instrument relating to the constitution of a board eg the Reconstitution of the Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board Order 2009 (SI No 1723).
3 This does not include measures of simplification or where new exemptions are granted.
4 This means entirely new legislation, which includes benefits (eg S.I. 2007/1671) as well as burdens, rather than “regulation” in the sense of burdens. It includes S.I.'s implementing an Act.
5 Includes instruments coming into force after 18 June 2007 though made before that date.