Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government for each of the last three years for which figures are available, how many people were eligible for performance bonuses and special bonuses in Communities and Local Government and its agencies, by civil service band; how many people received each type of bonus, by civil service band; what the average payment was for each type of bonus, by civil service band; and what the maximum payment was for each type of bonus, by civil service band[HL34]
An element of the Communities and Local Government overall pay award is allocated to non-consolidated variable pay related to performance. These payments are used to drive high performance and form part of the pay award for members of staff who demonstrate exceptional performance, for example by exceeding targets set or meeting challenging objectives.
Non-consolidated variable pay awards are funded from within existing pay bill controls, and have to be re-earned each year against pre-determined targets and, as such, do not add to future pay bill costs. The percentage of the pay bill set aside for performance-related awards for the SCS is based on recommendations from the independent Senior Salaries Review Body.
The table below details how many people were eligible for and received a non-consolidated variable pay awards and the average and the maximum payment for a non-consolidated variable pay award, by civil service band, awarded under the Communities and Local Government standard pay and performance management process for the three most recent financial years.
SCS Non-SCS SCS Non-SCS SCS Non-SCS Number of staff eligible for non-consolidated performance payment 121 2188 132 2015 134 1940 Number of staff who received a non- consolidated performance payment 102 391 100 570 99 Information not yet available Average value of non-consolidated performance payment 6,513 850 8,200 752 7,262 Information not yet available The value of maximum non- consolidated payment 16,270 850 20,500 850 12,500 Information not yet available Percentage of SCS paybill set aside for non-consolidated performance payments 6.5 N/A 7.6 N/A 8.6 N/A
In addition, two individuals employed on a SCS non-standard form contract, which links a higher than normal percentage of their pay to delivery-based objectives, received a non-consolidated award of £12,500 for their performance in 2009-10, and one individual in 2008-09 received a non-consolidated award of £16,270 in 2007-08.
The department also operates a scheme for all staff below the Senior Civil Service under which individuals or teams may receive a small non-consolidated award in recognition of an outstanding contribution over a limited period. The maximum payment made under these arrangements is £600 but records are not available to show the number of payments made under this scheme.
Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government for each of the past three years for which figures are available, how many people were eligible for performance bonuses and special bonuses in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and its agencies, by civil service band; how many people received each type of bonus, by civil service band; what the average payment was for each type of bonus, by civil service band; and what the maximum payment was for each type of bonus, by civil service band [HL35]
An element of the DCMS overall pay award is allocated to non-consolidated variable pay related to performance. These payments are used to drive high performance and form part of the pay award for members of staff who demonstrate exceptional performance, for example by exceeding targets set or meeting challenging objectives.
Non-consolidated variable pay awards are funded from within existing pay bill controls, and have to be re-earned each year against pre-determined targets and, as such, do not add to future pay bill costs. The percentage of the pay bill set aside for performance-related awards for the SCS is based on recommendations from the independent Senior Salaries Review Body.
The table below details how many people were eligible for and received a non-consolidated variable pay awards and the average and the maximum payment for a non-consolidated variable pay award, by civil service band, awarded under the DCMS standard pay and performance management process for the three most recent performance years for which the relevant payments have been published in the department's accounts.
The department, and its executive agency, make non-consolidated performance payments to its employees for two purposes: (a) in-year non-consolidated performance payments to reward outstanding contributions in particularly demanding tasks or situations; and (b) year-end non-consolidated performance payments to reward highly successful performance over a whole year. In both cases they support and help drive high performance in both the department and its executive agency.
These figures cover all civil servants on standard terms. They are exclusive of two key senior staff in the Government Olympic Executive, who were appointed on non-standard terms with fixed-term contracts ending in 2012 and whose remuneration reflects extensive relevant experience and the unique challenge of delivering the Olympics to a fixed deadline. Details of their remuneration were published in the departmental annual reports and accounts 2009.
The Department of Culture, Media and Sport DCMS
SCS Non- SCS SCS Non-SCS SCS Non-SCS Number of staff eligible for non-consolidated performance payment 35 504 37 471 41 433 Number of staff who received a non-consolidated performance payment 25 219 32 345 25 369 Average value of non-consolidated performance payment £6,455 £1,395 £6,947 £953 £7,072 £940 The value of maximum non-consolidated payment £10,000 £2,400 £13,000 £2,500 £13,500 £2,500 Percentage of SCS paybill set aside for non-consolidated performance payments 6.5% N/A 7.6% N/A 8.6% N/A
The Royal Parks
As the number of SCS employed by the Royal Parks is less than five, this information has not been disclosed due to reasons of confidentiality.
SCS Non-SCS SCS Non-SCS SCS Non-SCS Number of staff eligible for non-consolidated performance payment N/A 58 N/A 81 N/A 80 Number of staff who received a non-consolidated performance payment N/A 16 N/A 33 N/A 39 Average value of non-consolidated performance payment N/A £510 N/A £403 N/A £418 The value of maximum non-consolidated payment N/A £510 N/A £510 N/A £750 Percentage of SCS paybill set aside for non-consolidated performance payments 6.5% N/A 7.6% N/A 8.6% N/A