Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government what was the average life expectancy in England for (a) men, and (b) women in each year from 1979 to 2009; and whether they have access to comparable figures for (1) Northern Ireland, (2) Scotland, and (3) Wales. [HL1310]
The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.
Letter from Dennis Roberts, Director, Surveys and Administrative Sources, Office for National Statistics, to Lord Selkirk, dated January 2010.
The director for the Office for National Statistics has been asked to reply to your recent parliamentary Question concerning the average life expectancy in the UK constituent countries since 1979. 1 am replying in his absence. (HL1310)
The attached table provides the period expectation of life at birth for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for each year (where available) from 1979 to 2009 for males and females. The period expectation of life at birth is the average number of years a person would live, if he or she experienced the particular country's age-specific mortality rates for that time period throughout his or her life.
Year Males Females England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland 1979* 70.4 69.7 .. .. 76.4 75.9 .. .. 1980* 70.8 70.3 69.0 69.3 76.8 76.3 75.2 75.0 1981 71.1 70.4 69.1 69.2 77.0 76.4 75.3 75.5 1982 71.3 70.7 69.3 69.8 77.3 76.6 75.5 76.0 1983 71.6 71.1 69.6 70.1 77.5 77.0 75.6 76.3 1984 71.8 71.2 69.9 70.3 77.6 77.1 75.8 76.7 1985 72.0 71.4 70.0 70.6 77.8 77.4 76.0 76.9 1986 72.2 71.6 70.2 70.9 77.9 77.5 76.2 77.1 1987 72.4 72.0 70.4 71.1 78.1 77.9 76.5 77.3 1988 72.7 72.3 70.6 71.5 78.3 78.0 76.5 77.5 1989 72.9 72.6 70.8 71.7 78.4 78.3 76.6 77.6 1990 73.1 72.8 71.1 72.1 78.6 78.5 76.7 78.0 1991 73.4 73.1 71.4 72.6 78.9 78.8 77.1 78.4 1992 73.6 73.2 71.5 72.7 79.0 78.8 77.1 78.6 1993 73.9 73.4 71.7 73.0 79.2 78.9 77.3 78.7 1994 74.1 73.4 71.9 73.1 79.3 78.9 77.4 78.7 1995 74.4 73.7 72.1 73.5 79.5 79.1 77.7 78.9 1996 74.5 73.8 72.2 73.8 79.6 79.1 77.9 79.2 1997 74.8 74.2 72.4 74.2 79.7 79.3 78.0 79.5 1998 75.0 74.3 72.6 74.3 79.9 79.3 78.2 79.5 1999 75.3 74.6 72.8 74.5 80.1 79.6 78.4 79.6 2000 75.6 74.8 73.1 74.8 80.3 79.7 78.6 79.8 2001 75.9 75.3 73.3 75.2 80.6 80.0 78.8 80.1 2002 76.1 75.5 73.5 75.6 80.7 80.1 78.9 80.4 2003 76.5 75.8 73.8 75.8 80.9 80.3 79.1 80.6 2004 76.8 76.1 74.2 76.0 81.1 80.6 79.3 80.8 2005 77.2 76.6 74.6 76.1 81.5 80.9 79.6 81.0 2006 77.5 76.7 74.8 76.2 81.7 81.1 79.7 81.2 2007 77.7 76.9 75.0 76.3 81.9 81.2 79.9 81.2 2008* 77.9 77.1 75.2 76.6 82.0 81.3 80.0 81.2 2009* 78.4 77.5 75.8 77.0 82.4 81.7 80.4 81.7
* These life expectancy figures are based on the national interim life tables (NILT) for all years apart from those marked with one asterisk. As figures are not available from the NILTs for these years the life expectancy estimates are based on a single year’s data rather than three years.
** National interim life tables are not available and so life expectancy figures based on assumed rates of mortality from the 2008-based National Population Projections have been used.
.. Data not available