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Expenditure: Office Equipment

Volume 717: debated on Friday 5 March 2010


Asked by

To ask Her Majesty's Government what was the average purchase price, excluding value added tax, of a 500-sheet ream of white A4 80 gsm photocopier paper paid by the Exports Credits Guarantee Department in the latest period for which figures are available; and how much it spent in total on all photocopier paper in the last year for which figures are available. [HL2400]

ECGD spent a total of £14,995 excluding VAT on A4 80 gsm paper for use in photocopiers at an average cost of £2.70 per 500 sheet ream during the period 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009. Additionally, in the same period, ECGD purchased 40 reams of A4 Blue Duo copier paper at £2.99/ream, total cost of £ 119.60 excl VAT.

ECGD used Evolve branded paper which is a high-quality 100 per cent post-consumer recycled paper.