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To ask Her Majesty's Government how many single farm payments are outstanding for the years 2007 and 2008; how many farmers have not received full payment of their 2007 and 2008 entitlements; and how much is outstanding from 2007 and 2008. [HL2575]
The table below sets out for the single payment scheme (SPS) years 2007 and 2008 in England the number of outstanding payments under the SPS, the estimated number of claims that have not received a full payment and the total value outstanding.
Single Payment Scheme Year Number of claims outstanding as at 3 March 2010 Number of claims not received full payment as at 3 March 2010 Total value outstanding as at 3 March 2010 2007 35 55 £579k 2008 92 106 £2,897k Total 157* 161 £3,476k
* Included within the 157 outstanding claims are 31 (2007) and 67 (2008) claims that are complex cases involving probate, business partnership changes and domestic issues.
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To ask Her Majesty's Government in how many cases where single farm payments are outstanding the delay is due to computer problems at the Rural Payments Agency. [HL2576]
There are currently 818 single payment scheme claims for the 2009 scheme year where investigations may reveal that the computer system is preventing payment. This equates to 0.77 per cent of the 106,724 claims received under the scheme.
These cases are being investigated and resolved to make payments to customers as soon as possible. The regulatory payment window runs from 1 December to 30 June.
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To ask Her Majesty's Government how many upland farmers are overdue single farm payments for each of the years from 2004 to 2009; and how much is outstanding for each of those years. [HL2577]
The single payment scheme (SPS) was introduced in 2005. The current 2009 SPS deadline is 30 June 2010 therefore no payment from this year is overdue.
The table below sets out the number of outstanding claims under the SPS for 2005-08 in England for farmers who made a hill farm allowance (HFA) claim.
Single Payment Scheme Year Number of claims outstanding as at 3 March 2010 Value of claims outstanding as at 3 March 2010 2005 0 £0 2006 0 £0 2007 0 £0 2008 3 £304k Total 3 £304k
There are currently also five claims which may be due a top-up payment once their entitlements have been reviewed. Further such claims may arise from data correction work within the Rural Payments Agency.