Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government how many original maps were submitted in each month for the Rural Payments Agency's (RPA) remapping exercise; how many maps have been confirmed by the RPA in each month; how many maps have been amended; how many have been returned in each month; and how many have yet to be returned from each month of submission. [HL2913]
The number of maps that the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has confirmed, amended and returned and those still outstanding, are shown in the table below.
Week Ending 4/9/2009 21/10/2009 30/10/2009 27/11/2009 18/12/2009 29/1/2010 26/2/2010 19/13/2010 Original Maps Sent from RPA 49,512 71,396 103,416 107,111 107,111 107,247 107,247 107,247 Maps Accepted by Customers 10,520 26,847 38,833 52,150 *53,949 *57,045 *57,064 *57,064 Maps Returned to RPA for Amendment 9,885 16,814 27,567 44,360 49,011 50,183 50,183 50,183 Customer Responses Outstanding 29,107 27,735 37,016 10,601 4,151 19 0 0 Amended Confirmation Maps Sent 293 293 1,397 4,627 10,254 24,208 30,362 39,850 Outstanding Confirmation Maps still to be Sent 9,592 16,521 26,170 39,733 38,757 25,975 19,821 10,333
* The number of maps accepted by customers includes customers who did not respond after several reminders and were therefore deemed to have accepted by default.
Asked by
To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps are taken, when the Rural Payments Agency reduces a farmer's landholding, having sent him a final map, to compare the new map with the old map. [HL3007]
The Rural Land Register has been using base data from Ordnance Survey 2001 Mastermap. The Rural Payments Agency has been updating this with the 2008 version and using this information, along with aerial photography, to identify changes to land and features ineligible for the single payment scheme.
The maps sent to farmers show field parcel sizes so farmers can compare the new map information with the old maps they held previously and can see any increase or decrease in field size.